Hello World! I'm talking about Visual Basic. I'm going to open the hello world project and change a couple more properties. Instead of picking start, new project, I'm going to select hello world from the recent projects. If I don't see the project I'm looking for I can also go to file and open and then browse for that. So I'm going to open the hello world project The properties that we can change, if we click in this area If we don't see anything over here, that means we are going to type in a value. If we pick something that has a drop-down arrow next to it we can pick from a drop-down box. There's a lot of those. So the one I'm going to pick is the background image. Right now it says none. I'm going to import a picture Just select open with that, and then say OK. And you'll see that that picture that I picked is there as the background image. Right now the setting that I have for the backgroundImageLayout is center. I'm going to just pick a couple of others like Tile, and stretch which will make it fit the entire background, or zoom. Let's go back to Tile. If I pick none it puts it in the top left corner. If I would like to get rid of that background image altogether, I can just double-click here and hit delete and it's gone. Previously I had changed the background color. You can see that color there is shown as the RGB value. I could pick some other value from one of these other tabs. Whatever I'd like. If you happen to have some icons you could also pick an icon. If you don't have an icon that you know where it is that's going to be hard, to do. You can browse to create icons, There's a lot of utilities for creating icons from an image all you have to do is Google that. So those are some properties that we can change and those are all properties of the form. That's it for now.