Project 8: Database Search
Big Data Search
For the database project you are to find an Online database that you can search. This cannot be a commercial website such as Amazon, it must be a database that provides research data. Pick a database that is meaningful to you and answers serious research questions. Present your findings giving the link to the database you searched and why this information is meaningful to you. Include a summary of the type of information you can access and give instructions on how to use the database. Finally, report what you were able to find. Include a graph or table in your report. Your graph should show changes over multiple years, regions, or populations.
Computer Skills: Learn to research, retrieve and present data from the many "Big Data" resources.
Computer Knowledge: Become familiar with the many non-commercial websites that have searchable databases.
You may do the presentation in any format you choose: paper, Power Point, Video, or web page.
Please name any files as Lastname_Firstname_data.docx (or appropriate extension:.docx, .pptx, .mp4, .zip, etc.) (Example: Brown_Jack_data.docx)
The links below give some free databases that allow public access.
You can start with one of these or find your own searchable database.
You should not select a database that requires that you pay a fee.
An excellent place to start is with this is an index to thousands of databases that you can search for this project.
Genealogy. This database is useful if you believe that an ancestor arrived at Ellis Island:
Weather data. What was the weather like when you were born?
Bureau of Labor Statistics. You can look up various statistics about jobs, unemployment, etc.
World Bank Open Data: Global development data such as poverty and literacy rates.
Listing of various government datasets that you can search:
Specific to the state of Maryland. You can find information about various Maryland agencies such as education.
The following are requirements:
If any of these requirements are not met, the score will be 0.
If the requirements are met, the grade is as follows:
Possible points=50

If you do not receive a perfect score you may resubmit it as long as it is resubmitted within 3 days.
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