
Project 2: History of Computers Presentation

Project 2: History of Computers Presentation

Presentation: History of Computers

Create a newspaper style presentation on the history of computers. Include some of the early predecessors and predictions for the future. Include some of the people who made a contribution.

See this file created in Publisher for an example

Computer Skills: Use Word or Publish to create different document types such as flyers and newspaper style pages. In Word, you can do this by selectiing Layout, then select Columns. If you do not have columns, you can use a table.

See video on creating newspaper style columns

Computer Knowledge: Be able to discuss some of the early history of computers.

You may create the document in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher

Submit the Lastname_Firstname_history.docx or .pub file in Blackboard. (Example: Brown_Jack_history.docx)

The following are requirements:

If any of these requirements are not met, the score will be 0.


If the requirements are met, the grade is as follows:

Possible points=50


If you do not receive a perfect score you may resubmit it as long as it is resubmitted within 3 days.
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