Project 3: Spreadsheet for computer system budget
Create a budget for a new computer system in Microsoft Excel.
Computer Skills: Learn to create a budget using Excel; learn to use equations to find totals; and create a graph.
Computer Knowledge: Understand the cost of the various components of a complete computer system.
Excel: Introduction
Excel: Adding Equations
Excel: Adding Graphs
This is a complete computer system for a business office, not an all in one laptop. Your budget must include at least 4 items that are hardware and 3 that are software. The parts must be compatible and comprize a complete computer system. is a good resource.
The top row should have column headings with columns for item, price. and URL where you can buy it for that price. Include a column to classify each item as software or hardware. If you will be using free software, include the same information with a price of 0.00
All money should be formatted to show 2 decimal places. Include a grand total as well as a total for software and hardware.
All fields that can be calculated should use equations.
Include a pie graph to show the breakdown of costs.
It must be done in Excel (MC students can download Excel for free as part of Microsoft Office.)
Submit the Lastname_Firstname_spreadsheet.xlsx file in Blackboard. (Example: Brown_Jack_spreadsheet.xlsx)
The following are requirements:
If any of these requirements are not met, the score will be 0.
If the requirements are met, the grade is as follows:
Possible points=50
If you do not receive a perfect score you may resubmit it as long as it is resubmitted within 3 days.
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