Project 3: Spreadsheet for computer system budget
Create a budget for a new computer system in Microsoft Excel.
Computer Skills: Learn to create a budget using Excel; learn to use equations to find totals; and create a graph.
Computer Knowledge: Understand the cost of the various components of a complete computer system.
Excel: Introduction
Excel: Adding Equations
Excel: Adding Graphs
This is a complete computer system for a business office, not an all in one laptop. Your budget must include everything that is needing in hardware (all IO devices, all internal parts, and the case that holds it all together) and at least 3 items that are software. The parts must be compatible and comprize a complete computer system. is a good resource.
The top row should have column headings with columns for item, price. and URL where you can buy it for that price. Include a column to classify each item as software or hardware. If you will be using free software, include the same information with a price of 0.00
All money should be formatted to show 2 decimal places. Include a grand total as well as a total for software and hardware.
All fields that can be calculated should use equations.
Include a pie graph to show the breakdown of costs.
It must be done in Excel (MC students can download Excel for free as part of Microsoft Office.)
Submit the Lastname_Firstname_spreadsheet.xlsx file in Blackboard. (Example: Brown_Jack_spreadsheet.xlsx)
The following are requirements:
If any of these requirements are not met, the score will be 0.
If the requirements are met, the grade is as follows:
Possible points=50

If you do not receive a perfect score you may resubmit it as long as it is resubmitted within 3 days.
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