Hello world, I'm talking about your final project in cmsc 100. Instead of an exam. You have a final project, and the final project. counts 20% of your grade. You're going to start working on this final project... The first day, and you're going to continue throughout the class. The final project design is outlined in steps. As you. Learn new materials in the lessons, you're going to be incorporating what you've learned into your final project. As you go along you're going to complete Steps 1 after another. And you will be filling out this document, And then you will also be adding code to your program. Each time you submit a step, You must fill out part of this form, And part of the program, and submit both of those files, the word document and the Alice program for each step. Save this file as your last name. First name final project.docx Do not delete any part of this document or reformat it. If you do you'll get a zero for that step. Step 1 is the Proposal. Make sure you read the instructions about the final project. And then fill out the lines on this form: Your name. Title of the story. Note: this must be a known story. It must feature bipeds which are characters that stand on 2 legs. A link to where the story can be found: this is not a story you make up. If you make up a story yourself and you run into little problems, you can just change the story and you don't learn anything by doing that. If you do a known fairy tale. You're going to have little problems like: How do you make the mirror talk? How do you make the Beast turn into a handsome prince? How do you make a genie pop out of the bottle? and so on. The Next Step. I mean the next item in Step 1. is a synopsis of the story you're going to tell. Write 5 or 6 sentences that give the major events of the story. You can look at the example that I've done of Jack and the Beanstalk, and by the way you cannot do Jack and the Beanstalk! I've done that all along as an example so the synopsis of Jack and the Beanstalk, first of all you would have the. Jack and his mother are in their Cottage, and they're starving and the mother tells him to go and sell the cow. And the next step is he's at the marketplace and he sells the cow for beans and so on. Step 1 F I mean. Part 1 F of Step 1. Your movie we must have 3 different locations. List the locations that you're going to have in your movie. In Jack and the Beanstalk there's the cottage. There's the marketplace. And there's the Giants castle that's up in the clouds. Your movie is going to be interactive. In 1G you're going to tell.. How you're going to make it Interactive and what the alternate ending is going to be. For instance in Jack and the Beanstalk, Jack might decide not to buy the beans; his mother may decide to cook the beans instead of throwing, you know instead of throwing them out the window. Next you're going to tell why you picked the story. And now we're going to save the word document. And we're going to go to this step. And start a new Alice 3 project. If you're going to have a room in your story you have to select it at the start because you can't add a room later very easily. You're going to save the project. Your last name underscore your first name underscore final project 1.a3p As we go along, each time we add to the program, we're going to save it with the next number. That way you have a backup if you do something and your system crashes and you lose everything you worked on.. Add comments to my first method. With your name. Title of the story. The synopsis, the synopsis is the same that you wrote earlier on. And then in setup scene view add all the characters and Animals that will be in the movie. So with Jack and the Beanstalk,I've got Jack and his mother, The Giant. The guy in the marketplace who sells him the beans and the cow, And the goose. Now, there's no goose in Alice and I've used another bird that's similar. When you have finished that and saved your final project. The last name first name final project. Alice file is a3p. You're Going to submit both of these items In the assignments in Blackboard. Then Step 2 We are going to create. Algorithm, storyboard, and add some sound. You don't have to Play the sound at this point but you can find some sounds that you want to use. And you keep going. And by the end of the semester you will have completed all of the steps in this document. And you will have a really nice final project. As you go along, you're going to do the the straight story line, without the alternate ending. But you will have opportunities as you go along to have the user make some choices and make that Interactive. You've got the straight story line finished at the very end, we're going to add the alternate ending and you'll learn how you can. Choose which ending to show. And that's it.