Boolean Expressions: true or false
Text of videoCode:
public void myFirstMethod() {
//Programmer : Janet Joy
//Pixie asks if you want coffee, tea, or soda.
Boolean answer = this.pixie.getBooleanFromUser( "Would you like coffee?" );
if( answer ) {
this.coffeeMaker.setOpacity( 1.0 );
} else {
//This code is only executed if answer about coffee is false.
answer = this.pixie.getBooleanFromUser( "Would like tea?" );
//answer is assigned a new value from the question about tea.
if( answer ) {
//This code is executed if they answer false to coffee and true to tea
this.teapot.setOpacity( 1.0 );
} else {
//This code is only executed if answer is false to both coffee and tea.
this.pixie.say( "Well, here is some soda." );
this.colaBottle.setOpacity( 1.0 );
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