Calculations and Functions
This example uses a loop to let the user enter values and displays the total at the end. It also finds the smallest and largest.
The code below is Java Code. You can see the Java Code by selectin Window -> Preferences -> Java Code.
public void myFirstMethod() {
//Programmer : Janet Joy
//User enters numbers and they are added to total.
this.witch.say( "I will add some numbers for you." );
Double total = 0.0;
Integer count = 0;
Double number = this.witch.getDoubleFromUser( "Enter the first number." );
Double smallest = number;
Double largest = number;
while ( number>0.0 ) {
//Notice that you will never be at this sttment if number is zero
total = total+number;
count = count+1;
if( number<smallest ) {
smallest = number;
} else {
if( number>largest ) {
largest = number;
} else {
this.witch.say( "The total so far is "+total, Say.duration( 1.0 ) );
number = this.witch.getDoubleFromUser( "Enter the next number or 0 to end : " );
this.witch.say( "The total is "+total+" Big deal!", Say.duration( 1.0 ) );
this.witch.say( "The numbers ranged from "+smallest+" to "+largest );