Alice Final Project: Step 1
Step 1: Final Project Proposal
Your name: _________________________________________
Title of story: ________________________________________
Link to the website where this story can be found. This must be a known story featuring people or other bipeds! (In Alice, Bipeds stand on two legs. In addition to people the Wolf, Pig, Rabbit and a few other characters are bipeds.)
A synopsis of the story you are going to tell. Write the synopsis as 5 or 6 sentences that give the major events of the story.
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Your movie must have 3 different locations (Cottage, Forest, Town, Palace, etc.) List the locations here:
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Your movie will be interactive. Give an alternate ending that could result based on the user clicking something.
Why did you pick this story?
Start a new Alice 3 project, if you are going to have a room in your story, be sure to select the room to start. Save the project as Lastname_Firstname_FinalProject1.a3p
Add comments to my first method with your name, title of the story, and the synopsis.
In setup scene view, add all the characters and animals that will be in the movie.
Submit this document with step one completed (nothing deleted) and the Lastname_Firstname_FinalProject1.a3p file in assignments.
Jack and the Beanstalk Example:
Step 1: Final Project Proposal
Your name: Janet Joy
Title of story: Jack and the Beanstalk
Link to the website where this story can be found. This must be a known story featuring people or other bipeds! (In Alice, Bipeds stand on two legs. In addition to people the Wolf, Pig, Rabbit and a few other characters are bipeds.)
A synopsis of the story you are going to tell. Write the synopsis as 5 or 6 sentences that give the major events of the story.
Jack and his poor widowed mother are starving. Jack’s mother tells him to trade the cow for food to eat. Jack takes the cow to the market and trades it for magic beans. The beans grow into a beanstalk that reaches the castle of a giant. Jack climbs the beanstalk and steals a goose that lays golden eggs. The giant chases Jack, but Jack chops down the beanstalk. Jack and his mother grow rich and live happily ever after.
Your movie must have 3 different locations (Cottage, Forest, Town, Palace, etc.) List the locations here:
- cottage
- marketplace
- giant’s castle
Your movie will be interactive. Give an alternate ending that will result based on the user clicking something.
The user must click the hammer in order for Jack to chop down the beanstalk. If they click the hammer, they live and grow rich. If the user clicks something else, the giant takes back the goose and Jack and his mother starve.
Why did you pick this story?
My mother told me this story when I was little. She did a lot of sound effects, and used different voices for the characters. That made it fun to listen to.
Start a new Alice 3 project, if you are going to have a room in your story, be sure to select the room to start. Save the project as Lastname_Firstname_FinalProject1.a3p
Add comments to my first method with your name, title of the story, and the synopsis.
In setup scene view, add all the characters and animals that will be in the movie.

Submit this document with step one completed (nothing deleted) and the Lastname_Firstname_FinalProject1.a3p file.
Download the Jack in the Beanstalk step 1 program to experiment.