
aliceGlossary for Alice Programming: animation

Glossary for Alice Programming: animation

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animation discussion: Discussion questions(Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   What do you think?
animation questions: Self Study Questions(Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   What have you learned?
control structures: Control Structures(Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   Control structures control the order in which statements are executed.
count, wave: Using a count loop to wave(Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   Use count control structure to wave 3 times
count down, blast off: Count down and blast off!(Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   Counting down with a while loop: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 blast off!
count loop: Using a count loop to count to 3.(Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   Use count control structure to count to 3.
counting loop, toddler: Counting with a while loop(Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   A toddler says 1, 2, 3 using a while loop
do in order: Do in Order (Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   Statements inside a do in order block are executed one after the other in sequence.
do together: Do Together (Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   Statements inside a do together block are executed concurrently: all at the same time.
infinite loop: Infinite Loop (Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   An infinite loop is one that is never going to end. The control structure while(true) is an infinite loop. It is also called an endless loop.
loop: Loop (Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   A loop is a control structure that repeats the code in its block. Loops in Alice include while, count and 'for each in'
loop, bunny shake no: Using a count loop to shake head no.(Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   Use count control structure to shake head no 3 times
loop, count: Using a count loop to count to 3.(Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   Use count control structure to count to 3.
loop, infinite: Infinite Loop (Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   An infinite loop is one that is never going to end. The control structure while(true) is an infinite loop. It is also called an endless loop.
loop, while: While Loop (Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   A while block is a control structure that loops (repeats) while a condition if true. The statement while(count<5) will cause the block to execute until count is 5 or more. The statement while(True) will create an endless or infinite loop.
loop count, wave: Using a count loop to wave(Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   Use count control structure to wave 3 times
marker: Marker (Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   Alice has two types of markers: Camera Markers and Object markers. Markers are used to store a location or position in the world. You can add and edit markers in the scene setup tab. Once you have added a marker, you can reference that marker in the code.
marker, object: Object Marker (Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   Object markers are used to store a location in the world. You can add and edit markers in the scene setup tab. Once you have added a marker, you can reference that marker in the code. For instance, you might put a marker in front of the gate, and then have a character move to that marker at some point in the code.
markers, editing: Editing markers(Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   Edit object markers: add, delete, re-rename, and change the color
markers pixie: Pixie moves between marked locations(Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   Pixie moves between several markers.
move between markers: Moose and skunk move between marked locations(Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   Markers let objects move to a marked position.
move back and forth: Fish swims back and forth(Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   It's important to start and end in the same position.
move in circle: Yeti circles around baby penguin(Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   Uses an endless while loop to circle continuously.
object marker: Object Marker (Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   Object markers are used to store a location in the world. You can add and edit markers in the scene setup tab. Once you have added a marker, you can reference that marker in the code. For instance, you might put a marker in front of the gate, and then have a character move to that marker at some point in the code.
scope, variables: Scope of variables(Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   It's important where you declare variables.
variable scope: Scope of variables(Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   It's important where you declare variables.
walking algorithm: A Walking algorithm(Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   Get into position, take three steps, return to starting position.
while loop: While Loop (Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   A while block is a control structure that loops (repeats) while a condition if true. The statement while(count<5) will cause the block to execute until count is 5 or more. The statement while(True) will create an endless or infinite loop.
while loop, toddler counting: Counting with a while loop(Lesson: Creating Animation in Alice3)
   A toddler says 1, 2, 3 using a while loop
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