
alice helloAlice Programming

Alice Programming

Learn Alice in FREE step-by-step lessons.

Quiz on Your First program: Hello World

The BIG question is, did you create the "Hello World" program? Please make sure you can do that before going on to the next lesson.

Write down the answers first. Click the check to check your answer.

You will toggle back and forth between the ____ window and the _____ window answer

   code view and setup scene (scene view)

Methods include both ____ and _____ answer

   procedures and functions

___ perform an action. answer


____ answer a question answer


Every Alice scene includes the ____ and the _____ answer

   ground and camera

Which window has the gallery? answer

   the scene setup (view) window

What are 2 ways to add an object to a scene? answer

   double click or single click and then drag and drop

Which window contains a run button? answer

   Both the code view and scene view let you run the program.

Where would you find the say command? answer

   in the procedure tab of the methods panel

The say command requires _____ that tells what do you want the actor to say. answer


Please review the material for any questions you miss.

Next: Discussion