
alice introductionAlice Programming

Alice Programming

Learn Alice in FREE step-by-step lessons.

Quiz on Introduction to Alice 3

After doing all parts of the lesson you should be able to answer these questions.

Write down the answers first. Click the check to check your answer.

1. Alice3 lets you animate ___ models. answer


2. In which class would you find a penguin? answer


3. You will be toggling back and forth between which two views? answer

   code view and scene view

4. In which class would you find the witch? answer


5. In which class would you find an airplane? answer


6. In which class would you find a horse? answer


7. In which class would you find a shark? answer


8. Every Alice scene has 2 things. What are they? answer

   the ground and the camera

9. In real life, most animals walk on 4 legs, but in Alice they sometimes walk on 2 legs. What would be the best way to find a pig? answer


10. Methods include _____ and _____ answer

   procedures and functions

11. A ____ performs an action answer


12. A _____ gives an answer answer


13. A class not shown in the video is the _____ class answer


Please review the material for any questions you miss.

Next: Discussion questions