
alice lifecycleThe Software-Lifecycle

The Software-Lifecycle

Pseudocode: Step by step instructions (statements) that the program will perform, but written in ordinary human language rather than a programming language. It allows the programmer to focus on the steps that need to be taken rather than the exact syntax of the programming language.


Story: The story we want to tell is about a penguin family. A mother penguin is walking on an iceberg with an egg. She walks over to the father and gives him the egg. The mother walks to the edge of the iceberg, says "I'll be back." and dives in the water.  The father walks back and forth with the egg for a long time.  The egg hatches. The chick says "Daddy!"  The father and chick walk back and forth together for a long time. The mother jumps onto the iceberg with a fish in her beak. She walks over to the father and chick. The chick says "Momma!" The father takes the fish and says "Thanks Honey!" 


  1. Mother penguin is walking on an iceberg with an egg resting on her feet.
  2. She walks next to to the father
  3. Mother transfers egg to father.
    (Need to change the vehicle for the egg?)
  4. Mother walks to the edge of the iceberg.
  5. Mother says "I'll be back."
  6. Mother dives in the water. 
  7. Father penguin walks back and forth with the egg 5 times.
    1. He walks to the left edge
    2. turns
    3. walks to the right edge.
    4. show passage of time by changing sky
  8. The egg hatches.
    a.  the egg becomes invisible
    b.  the baby penguin becomes visible
  9. The chick says "Daddy!" 
  10. The father and chick walk back and forth together for a long time.
  11. Father penguin and chick walk back and forth together 5 times.
    1. They walk to the left edge
    2. turn
    3. walk to the right edge.
    4. show passage of time by changing sky
  12. The mother jumps onto the iceberg with a fish in her beak.
  13. Mother walks over to the father and baby penguin.
  14. Baby penguin says "Momma!"
  15. Father takes the fish from the mother
    (Change vehicle for fish?)
  16.  Father says "Thanks Honey!"
  17. Scene of happy penguin family.

You may find that there are some steps that you haven't figured out the details for yet. Such as how to transfer the fish and the egg from the mother to the father.

Next: A game: Rock, Paper, Scissors