
alice mathAlice Programming

Alice Programming

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Module 11: A Little Math

In this module, you will use arithmetic operators to do some simple math.


In order to do this you will:


Please study the material at each of the links below.

  1. Cost of 3 Soccer Balls Cost of 3 Soccer Balls: How much does one soccer ball cost? Then 3 would cost total=cost * 3

  2. Counters Counters: Penguins count using counter=counter+1
  3. The Witch is Older The Witch is Older: What ever age you say you are, the witch says she's older.
  4. The fish share the gold coins The fish share the gold coins: Learn about division and remainders.
  5. Integer Division Drill Integer Division Drill: Practice integer division.

  6. Remainder Drill Remainder Drill: Practice finding remainders.

  7. Finding a Tip Finding a Tip: The Mad Hatter calculates 15% tip.
  8. Cost of 3 different items Cost of 3 different items: Finds the total of 3 different values: total=total+cost
  9. Monkey jumps for banana Monkey jumps for banana: Monkey jumps a bit higher each time by multiplying variable by 1.3
  10. How far is the cave? How far is the cave?: We use a function to find how far away something is.
  11. How tall is the snow-woman? How tall is the snow-woman?: We use a function to find height.
  12. Self Study Questions Self Study Questions: What have you learned?

  13. Discussion questions Discussion questions: What do you think?

GlossaryGlossary for math lesson
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