Random Numbers
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Experiment! Try different ranges of values. Try making the duration a facto9r of the distance with a little bit of randomness. Add a third marker and use a random value to decide wich marker to swim to.
public void myFirstMethod() {
while ( true ) {
Double distance = RandomUtilities.nextDoubleInRange( 0.25, this.clownFish.getDistanceTo( this.onLeft ) );
this.clownFish.turnToFace( this.onLeft );
this.clownFish.move( MoveDirection.FORWARD, distance );
this.clownFish.turnToFace( this.onRight );
distance = RandomUtilities.nextDoubleInRange( 0.25, this.clownFish.getDistanceTo( this.onRight ) );
this.clownFish.move( MoveDirection.FORWARD, distance );