
alice user-inputAlice Programming

Alice Programming

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Module 6: User Input in Alice3

In this module, you will learn create an interactive program.
Your program will ask the user his name and then make a 3D character say "hello" using the name they entered.


In order to do this you will:


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Please study the material at each of the links below.

  1. Ask the users name and say hello Ask the users name and say hello: Use the function getStringFromUser to ask the user his name, then say hello using the name entered.

  2. Ask the user how old they are Ask the user how old they are: Use the function getIntegerFromUser to ask the user's age.
  3. Ask the users their favorite food Ask the users their favorite food: Wolf asks "What's your favorite food?", then says that is his favorite too.
  4. Panda asks how much to turn Panda asks how much to turn: We ask the user for a double and the panda spins around that amount.
  5. Martian asks if he is on Mars Martian asks if he is on Mars: We ask the user for a Boolean value.
  6. Self Study Questions Self Study Questions: What have you learned?

  7. Discussion questions Discussion questions: What do you think?

Active Learning

Ask the user some questions

GlossaryGlossary for user-input lesson
Full Glossary