
computer-concepts free-speechComputer Concepts

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Quiz on Freedom of Speech

After doing all parts of the lesson you should be able to answer these questions.

Write down the answers first. Click the check to check your answer.

True or false: Free speech is a fundamental right bestowed by the Internet. answer

   false, in the U.S. it is bestowed by the Constitution

A principle applied to high-speed Internet services, whereby all data is delivered to all users with equal priority is called ______ answer

   Net neutrality

Blog is a short form for ______ answer

   Web Log

True or false: Laws regarding speech are the same from country to country. answer

   false, Laws regarding speech vary from country to country.

Why did Google close its Chinese search engine? answer

   China censored search results

True or false: There is no censorship in the United States and other free democracies. answer

   False, some information is censored because it is deemed to be dangerous to the public.

Please review the material for any questions you miss.

That's all! Congratulations on completing all of the lessons in computer-concepts!