
csharp arithmeticArithmetic Operations

Arithmetic Operations

Many times a programmer is given an algebraic formula, and must write an assignment statement that will correctly calculate the answer.
After writing a statement, check it by hand, using sample values verify that the equation is correct.
Use the following guidelines to convert algebraic expressions to programming statements:

Algebra Program Explanation
XY x*y Algebra uses single letters for variables, and
can omit the *, programming languages always require an
X·Y x*y Algebra sometimes uses a dot for multiplication.
x squared x*x or x^2 Use ^ to raise to a power.
x to the nth x^n Use ^ to raise to a power.
squARE ROOT OF X Math.Sqrt(x) Use Math functions for square root. You will see others after you type Math.
a + b over c (a+b)/c Compound numerators and divisors must be enclosed in
parenthesis: Notice the difference between this example
and the one below:
a pluseb/c a/c+b Notice the difference between this example and the one

Remember: Algebra uses single letters for variables: programmers should use good variable names wherever possible!

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