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C# Windows Forms Programming
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Functions in C#
C# has a number of builtin functions. This lesson includes some of the most commonly used functions.
Please study the material at each of the links below.
Microsoft Reference
C# Math Functions
Math Functions
C# has a number of built-in functions and constants that you can use.
Demonstration of Math Functions
Shows how math functions might be used
Drill on Math Functions Ceiling, Floor, and Round
Check your understanding of these functions
ToString function instead of + to concatenate
Compares using + and ToString()
Parse: Convert text to Double
A user does not always type a numeric value in text box, parse to get numeric value
TryParse: Convert text to Double if Numeric
TryParse to handle numeric error
Ceiling: How many busses?
Real world problem to solve
Random Numbers
Code to declare and use a random number
Circle: Write a function to find area
A function receives the radius and returns the area
A Function to Generate Random Colors
A function to return a random color using Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue);
BMI: A Void Function to calculate Body Mass Index
A void function does not return a value
Glossary for functions lesson
Full Glossary