
csharp functionsC# Windows Forms Programming

C# Windows Forms Programming

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Functions in C#

C# has a number of builtin functions. This lesson includes some of the most commonly used functions.

Please study the material at each of the links below.

  1. Microsoft Reference Microsoft Reference: C# Math Functions

  2. Math Functions: C# has a number of built-in functions and constants that you can use.

  3. Demonstration of Math Functions Demonstration of Math Functions: Shows how math functions might be used
  4. Drill on Math Functions Ceiling, Floor, and Round Drill on Math Functions Ceiling, Floor, and Round: Check your understanding of these functions

  5. ToString function instead of + to concatenate ToString function instead of + to concatenate: Compares using + and ToString()
  6. Parse: Convert text to Double Parse: Convert text to Double: A user does not always type a numeric value in text box, parse to get numeric value
  7. TryParse: Convert text to Double if Numeric TryParse: Convert text to Double if Numeric: TryParse to handle numeric error
  8. Ceiling: How many busses?: Real world problem to solve

  9. Random Numbers: Code to declare and use a random number

  10. Circle: Write a function to find area Circle: Write a function to find area: A function receives the radius and returns the area
  11. A Function to Generate Random Colors A Function to Generate Random Colors: A function to return a random color using Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue);
  12. BMI: A Void Function to calculate Body Mass Index BMI: A Void Function to calculate Body Mass Index: A void function does not return a value
GlossaryGlossary for functions lesson
Full Glossary