
csharpGlossary for C#: code

Glossary for C#: code

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code-console: Creating a Console App(Lesson: Writing Code in C#)
   A console app runs in the system window instead of a form
code-events: Adding events for controls(Lesson: Writing Code in C#)
   Some events can be added by double clicking on the control
code-helloworld2: Code created(Lesson: Writing Code in C#)
   An explanation of each line of code
code change properties: Writing Code to change properties of the form(Lesson: Writing Code in C#)
   Instead of changing properties in the design view,
it can be done with code.

code comments: Comments(Lesson: Writing Code in C#)
   Comments are notes a programmer makes about the code
code reference: Microsoft Reference(Lesson: Writing Code in C#)
   C# Coding Standards
comments: Comments(Lesson: Writing Code in C#)
   Comments are notes a programmer makes about the code
debugging tools: Debugging Tools(Lesson: Writing Code in C#)
   A few tools for debugging are shown
event: Event(Lesson: Writing Code in C#)
   Events are things that happen such as a user action with the mouse or keyboard, and also events such as a timer going off.
event handling: Event Handling(Lesson: Writing Code in C#)
   Event handling means writing code to specify what to do when an event (such as the user clicking the mouse) occurs.
listbox: Adding items to listbox at runtime(Lesson: Writing Code in C#)
   Clicking a button adds the conents of a text box to a list box.
location, control change: Changing the location of a control(Lesson: Writing Code in C#)
   The location is a Point with x and y values
mousemove event, argument: Mouse Move Event, Arguments(Lesson: Writing Code in C#)
   The mousemove event has argument e that has the location
scrollbar inches: Using the Scroll Bar Control(Lesson: Writing Code in C#)
   A scrollbar is used to select inches
textbox control: Using the TextBox Control(Lesson: Writing Code in C#)
   After user types their name and presses a button,
a greeting is displayed

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