
csharpGlossary for C#: pictureviewer

Glossary for C#: pictureviewer

Learn C# (C sharp) in FREE step-by-step lessons.

picture viewer app 1 form: Picture Viewer Part 1:(Lesson: A Picture Viewer Application)
   Set up the form
picture viewer app 2 code: Picture Viewer Part 2:(Lesson: A Picture Viewer Application)
   Code and instructions to view a picture
picture viewer app folder: Select a folder(Lesson: A Picture Viewer Application)
   When the user selects a folder all of the picture files
in the folder will be displayed in a combo box

picture viewer app picture: User selects picture(Lesson: A Picture Viewer Application)
   Display the picture selected in the combo box
timer slide show: Slide Show(Lesson: A Picture Viewer Application)
   Add a timer to create a slice show
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