
csharp listboxListBox Manager in C#

ListBox Manager in C#

Order the List

The two buttons allow use to move the selected item in the list up and down.

Write the code as shown below.

private void btnUp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   // Change the position by -1 example: Move from position 3 to position 2

private void btnDown_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   // Change the position by 1 example: Move from position 2 to position 3

public void MoveItem(int direction)
   // Check if item can it be moved.
   Boolean ok = true;
   // Checking selected item
   if (lstData.SelectedItem == null || lstData.SelectedIndex < 0)
      ok = false; // No selected item - nothing to do
   // Calculate new index using move direction
   int newIndex = lstData.SelectedIndex + direction;
   // Checking bounds of the range
   if (newIndex < 0 || newIndex >= lstData.Items.Count)
      ok = false; // Index out of range - nothing to do
   if (ok)
   {   // None of the errors above occured, move the item.
       object selected = lstData.SelectedItem;
       // Removing removable element
       // Insert it in new position
       lstData.Items.Insert(newIndex, selected);
       // Restore selection
       lstData.SetSelected(newIndex, true);
       changed = true;

To Do:Make sure everything works!

Experiment:When the form is resized, make hte list box fill the area.

Complete code for listbox editor

That's all! Congratulations on completing all of the lessons in csharp!