
csharp listboxListBox Manager in C#

ListBox Manager in C#

Save and SaveAs

When the user selects either Save or SaveAs, there are two possibilities:

  1. It is a new file and the filename is "Untitled"
  2. This is a file that was opened and has a filename.

In either case, if the filename is "Untitled" we must ask for a filename. If it is saveAs we also must ask for a filename.

There is another possibility we must consider: The user selects SaveAs, but then selects Cancel when we ask for the filename.

Write the code for mnuSave and mnuSaveAs as shown below.

private void mnuSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   // Save the file.
private void mnuSaveAs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Save the current file name in case the user selects cancel.
    String file = currentFileName;
    // Set to "Untitled" to signal writefile to ask for filename. 
    currentFileName = "Untitled";
    // Restore filename if user canceled.
    if (currentFileName == "Untitled") currentFileName = file;

To Do: Make sure this works before proceeding.

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