
csharp stringsStrings in C#

Strings in C#

The String class includes many methods for handling the string. Look at the examples below and try them one at a time:

this.Text = alphabet.ToLower(); // abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
this.Text = "" + alphabet.Length; // 26
this.Text = alphabet.Substring(0, 3); // ABC
this.Text = alphabet.Substring(5, 2); // FG
this.Text = alphabet.Substring(20); // UVWXYZ
this.Text = ""+ alphabet.IndexOf("D"); // 3
this.Text = "" + alphabet.IndexOf("XYZ"); // 23
this.Text = "" + alphabet.IndexOf("xyz"); // -1 "xyz" is not found
this.Text = "" + alphabet.StartsWith("A"); // True
this.Text = "" + alphabet.StartsWith("ABC"); // True
this.Text = "" + alphabet.StartsWith("AC"); // False
this.Text = "" + alphabet.Replace("A", "*"); // *BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
this.Text = "" + alphabet.Contains("DEF"); // True

String sentence = "A man and a woman manage the store.";
this.Text = "" + sentence.LastIndexOf("man"); // 18    (in manage)
this.Text = "" + sentence.Replace("man", "person"); //A person and a woperson personage the store.
String[] words = sentence.Split(' ');
this.Text = "" + words.Length; // 8
this.Text = words[0]; // A
this.Text = words[1]; // man
this.Text = words[2]; // and
this.Text = words[words.Length-1]; // store.   Note: the period is part of last word.

Like arrays, the index on Strings begins with 0.
The Length() of Alphabet is 26, there are 26 letters with A in position 0 and Z in position 25.
We can combine these functions in various ways.

Experiment: Try some of these string functions.

That's all! Congratulations on completing all of the lessons in csharp!