
csharp variablesC# Windows Forms Programming

C# Windows Forms Programming

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A variable is a named location in memory. A variable allows us to store data that is input or calculated. Variables can vary, or change.

Please study the material at each of the links below.

  1. Microsoft Reference Microsoft Reference: C# Types and Variables

  2. Variables: Variable definition, types, and how to declare variables

  3. Variable Types: Object types

  4. Drill on type Drill on type: Self study drill to make sure you understand

  5. Variable Names: Rules and guidelines for naming variables

  6. Drill on Names Drill on Names: Self study drill to make sure you understand

  7. Declaring Variables: Syntax for statement to declare a variable

  8. Assign means to give a value to a variable.: This statement assigns a new value to a variable.

  9. Global Variables Global Variables: A global variable can be accessed, changed,
    or modified anywhere in the program.
  10. Using the local directory Using the local directory: This shows how to store pictures or other files in the local directory
GlossaryGlossary for variables lesson
Full Glossary