We would like to create an anagram for a word. (Jumble the letters.)
if(!isset($word)) $word="wizard"; //make sure word is not null for($i=0;$i<strlen($word);$i++) { $letters[$i]=substr($word,$i,1); } //each letter of word shuffle($letters); //an array function $anagram=implode($letters); echo "One anagram of $word is $anagram.";
The output will be a random anagram of the word. You can put a word in the URL of this page and refresh the page to see an anagram for your word.
One anagram of wizard is rdaiwz.
$alphabet=""; for($i=65;$i<65+26;$i++) { $alphabet.=chr($i); //uses the ascii value to return the character $letters[$i-65]=chr($i); //put the character in the array } // A to Z echo "The alphabet is $alphabet<BR>"; shuffle($letters); $code=implode($letters); echo "The code is $code.<BR>"; $sentence="I think therefore I am."; $sentence=strtoupper($sentence); $crypt=strtr($sentence , $alphabet , $code); //encrypt echo 'Here is the cryptogram:<BR>'; echo $crypt.'<BR>';The output will look something like this: The alphabet is ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ