
systemsAssignment 9: Database Design

Assignment 9: Database Design

Continuing Case: Family Health Care

Currently, when a patient enters our office, the receptionists give them a clipboard with several pages of forms to fill out. When the patient finishes filling out the forms, they give the forms back to the receptionists. The receptionists then enter the information for new patients into our patient portal system. If it is an existing patient, they check for any changes.

Family Health Care's managing partner, Dr. Stephen Nguyen, sent a letter to IT consultant, Adam Burke, to help develop the system for the new services. During the project, Adam will work closely with Maria Martinez, web master. Jayne Rogers, an intern will assist Adam. She is eager for the chance to make a good impression in your first professional job.


Create a professional looking document to address the issues noted below. Be sure that you have corrected all spelling and grammar errors and all sections of the report are clearly labeled. Be sure to review previous assignments to make sure you use the same items and names. 5 points

  1. Task 1: Unnormalized table: Select two entities that are part of the new project. Name the entity and list the attributes. If the cardinality is not 1 and only 1, make a note of that.
  2. Task 2: First Normal Form: Show each entity without repeating fields. Create a separate entity for the relationship.
  3. Task 3: Second/Third Normal Form: Show the key or keys for each table. All values in the table must depend on the full key. Do this by making the key or keys bold in task 2.
  4. Task 4: Show an example for each table. If possible, represent the same entity in each table to show the relationship.

Solution: Patient Portal: Assignment Database Design

Grading rubric: Database Design