Hello world! I'm Professor Joy and I'm talking about how to create A PERT chart. That stands for Program Evaluation Review Technique. It seems serves the same purpose as a Gantt chart. And we will start with a narrative. And a narrative is just plain ordinary English. From that narrative the first thing we're going to do is identify each of the tasks. And then from those tasks, we're going to create a table. The first task was to research & recommend A device and then after we do the research we order it. I combined this into one, Because once we've done the research and made the recommendation, actual ordering only takes a few minutes. And this was the very first task so there was no task that had to be done before that. No predecessor task. Preparing the data also starts right at the beginning. And takes 3 days and there was no predecessor task for that. Once we place the order it will take 16 days to receive the devices. So the predecessor task for that Is number one. And I'm not going to fill out the dependent tasks until I finish the whole table. It's a little easier that way. We can't design the program until we've selected the device, Because the software might be different depending on the device. So the predecessor tasks for designing a program Is #1, making that selection, we don't have to have received them, but we have to know what device were programming for. And after we've designed the program, we can write the program. So the predecessor for writing the program is designing the program. And we can install the program once we (#3) have received the devices and (#5) written the program. And after we install the program on the devices, we can start testing and fixing our errors. And then we're finished. And we can't test until we have the test data which is number two. And have installed the program, #6. Once we have finished this part of the table we can fill in the pendant tasks. And I sort of work backwards on this. I look for a one down here. And so, Placing the order, We can't receive the devices until we place the order and we can't design the program. So we feel in 3 and 4 as dependent tasks over here. And task #2 appears down here. We can't test until we have the test data, So we write a 7 over here. And Receiving the devices #3. We can't install the program until we receive the devices. So we write the 6 here. And. We designed the program, And 5 depends on that. So you can see we had a 4. here, 4 here this is #5 so we write the five here. And. #5 writing the program appears here. In number 6 so we write that. Number 6. We can't test until we've installed. The software that's who you'll see #7 over here. Once we've completed the table. We're ready to draw out the chart. Task one was to order the devices. And we started that on day one. And the duration is two days so we finish on day 2. This is inclusive: we work all day the first day, and all day the second day and we finished at the end of the second day so we're ready to Designed the program up here on day 3. We also, On the first day started preparing the test data. And that took three days so we started on day one and finished on day three. OK, we design the program that is Starting day 3. An duration of 7: 3+ 7 is 10 - 1, because it's inclusive. We will finish at the end of day 9. And we can start writing the program on day 10. And I take 7-days 10 + 7 = 17. 10 + 7 + 17 - 1 we finished that on day 16. Installing the program needs The program to be written and to have received the devices. And so we don't receive the devices until day 18, we finished the program on day 16. So the critical path is getting those devices so we can the earliest will be able to install the program is day 19. And we finish that on day 25. And we can test and correct the program beginning on day 26. This (#2) is over fast. And so we won't finish until day 30. And that's our critical path. Really, the devices being received is what everything - hinges on if there is a delay in receiving the devices that's going to slow down our delivery date. And that's it.