The check box and radio buttons have a Boolean property checked that is either true or false.
There are also a few Boolean functions.
Start a program with a text box called txtInput.
Write the code below for the text changed event. (This is the default event, so you can just double click on the text box to open this event.)
Private Sub txtInput_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles txtInput.TextChanged
Dim s As String = Me.txtInput.Text
If IsNumeric(s) Then
Me.Text = "A number"
Me.Text = "Not a number"
End If
End Sub
Experiment: Run the program. Try some values that are numeric and some that are not.
Another Boolean function is isDate. It returns tru if a string is a valid date.
Replace the code with that shown below:
Private Sub txtInput_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles txtInput.TextChanged
Dim s As String = Me.txtInput.Text
If IsDate(s) Then
Me.Text = "A valid date"
Me.Text = "Not a valid date"
End If
End Sub
Experiment: Run the program. Try some values that are numeric and some that are not: 3/12/2017 is valid. 3-22-2018 is also valid.
Experiment: Ask the user to enter the year. If the entry is mumeric, test Febraury 29 to see if it is a date. Tell the user if the year they entered is a leap year.