
visual-basic controls

A few controls with their suggested prefix are shown below:

Icon Prefix Name Example Purpose
BtnButtonBtnSave User clicks to start an action.
CboCombo boxCboStates Offers a list of choices in a drop down box.
ChkCheckboxChkMarried Used for yes-no questions.
Grp GroupBox GrpSize Serves as a container for RadioButtons.
LblLabelLblGreeting Displays information.
LnkLinkLabelLnkHelloWorld User clicks to go to a web page.
LstList boxLstShipping Same as a combo box but all of the choices are visible in a list.
PicPicturePicComputer Displays a picture.
RadRadio buttonRadMorning Offers a group of choices - only one in group can be selected.
TxtText BoxTxtLastName Allows the user to type in answers.
VsbVertical scroll barVsbRate Allows the user to select a numerical value without typing it.

NEXT: Ambient Properties for a Uniform Look