Section 31150: Due Sunday, February 9, 2025
You should complete the lesson Posing Objects before doing this assignment.
There are many gestures that we make everyday. Many have common expressions to match. For instance, we may shrug our shoulders and say "Who cares?" or tap our foot and say "Hurry up!"
Create an Alice3 world with a scene, objects, and characters from your final project. Have 2 or more characters who talk to each other while posing in an appropriate pose.
Use your imagination! Think through your final project, try to think of poses that you might need. You must include at least one pose created using code.
- Save the Alice3 project as LastName_FirstName_comic.a3p. For example Mary_Smith_comic.a3p
- Take a Screen Shot for the discussion.
- Save the program as LastName_FirstName_comic.a3p and submit in Blackboard under assignments.
Some common Gestures that you might have in Final project:
- Prince kneeling says: "Will you marry me?"
- Witch hands apple to Snow white: "Something tasty for you."
- Witch with both hands in air: "No! No! Don't shove me in the oven!"
- Riding Hood with one hand on head: "Grandma, is that you?"
Think of others to try.
The following are requirements:
If any of these requirements are not met, the score will be 0.
If the requirements are met, the grade is as follows:
Possible points=50
If you do not receive a perfect score you may resubmit it as long as it is resubmitted within 3 days.
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