
MCProfessor Joy: Office Hours

Professor Joy: Office Hours

Regular Semester

JJ Signature

Prof. J. Joy
Computer Science, Rockville Campus

Office Hours during MC Holidays, Winter, and Summer sessions are by appointment only.

Office Hours for Spring 2025: Monday 11am to 12 noon, Thursday 3pm to 5pm. No appointment necessary for these office hours.
Please be aware that you are sharing these office hours with other students and classes.
When you type in your name, please type your course and section after so that I know which class you belong to. Example: John Smith-CMSC100 50318.
If I am with another student, Zoom puts you in a waiting room. I will admit the next student as soon as I finish.

Other times by appointment: If you need to see me, please send me 2 or 3 blocks of time you could meet and I will get back to you with a time that works for both of us.

Online only: https://zoom.us/j/4497759354

Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/4497759354
Or join by phone:   +1 (415) 762-9988 or +1 (646) 568-7788 US Toll
    Meeting ID: 4497759354
    International numbers available:https://www.zoom.us/zoomconference
There is no cost to you - sign up for the basic plan.

If you send an email, please include your course and section.

See Website: https://www.zebra0.com/MC/ for all syllabi and course materials

I welcome discussion and questions. I invite you to come talk with me during my office whenever you have a concern, suggestion, question, etc. I am available during my drop-in office hours, or at other times by appointment. If you need to see me, send an email and we will work out a time.

Please be aware that as a Montgomery College employee I am required to report it if you tell me about any Title IX violation: sexual abuse, harassment, domestic violence, etc.

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It is not endorsed, sponsored, or provided by or on behalf of Montgomery College.