
CMSC110: Computer Concepts

CMSC110: Computer Concepts

There is no doubt that computers and computer technology are changing the world. It is having an impact on everything: from agriculture, sports, health and social interactions, and education. In this course you will learn how the computer works, where it came from, and where it is going. You will explore some of the productivity software used by professionals in every field. You will learn how to make the most of your own computer and the internet, and how to do it safely.

Please watch the welcome video!

CMSC110 Section 30086, From Wednesday, December 31 to Wednesday, December 31
Syllabus pdf, Syllabus Online, Course Content, Due Dates
CMSC110 Section 31394, From Wednesday, December 31 to Wednesday, December 31
Syllabus pdf, Syllabus Online, Course Content, Due Dates

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