
CMSC243, Assignment 4: DFD, Requirements

CMSC243, Assignment 4: DFD, Requirements

You will submit the paper, Lastname_Firstname_dfd.docx in Blackboard under assignments.

Continuing Case: Online Tutors, Inc.
Online Tutors, Inc. provides Online tutoring. They are doing well with scheduled tutoring sessions, but would like to offer on demand tutoring in addition.

Online Tutors' president, Mary Montgomery, sent a letter to IT consultant, Julie Martin, to help develop the system for the new services. During the project, Julie will work closely with Ryan Lewis, who manages Online operations. You, as an intern will assist Julie. You are eager for the chance to make a good impression in your first professional job.



Create a professional looking document to address the issues noted below. Be sure that you have corrected all spelling and grammar errors and all sections of the report are clearly labeled.

  1. Using the information gathered during fact-finding, develop a requirements checklist that includes examples in each of the five main categories: outputs, inputs, processes, performance and controls.
  2. Develop a list of questions to include in an employee survey or interview.
    These are questions designed to elicit information about the way the current system works and their suggestions for improvement.
  3. Draw an Functional Decomposition Diagram (FDD) that shows the new systems main functions. Include at least 3 main functions.
  4. Draw a use case diagram that represents the interaction between a user and the proposed ystem.

Creating the DFD

The data flow diagram should show how data moves through the system. Where does it come from? Where is it stored and how is it used. The guideline below are general. They do NOT necessarily indicate items in the assignment.

The first step is to read through the narrative and identify:

Draw some sketches to show each process with the input and output: use one of the two methods from the text. This diagram was done in draw.io
.data flow example

After you have made some sketches for each process, create a complete DFD that shows all of the processes with all input and output.

FDD (Functional Decomposition Diagram)

This is similar to a hierarchy chart for employees that shows the CEO at the top. Example:


Requirements are things the new system MUST do. For instance: Create the reports required by the government; let clients select colors Online; be ready by a certain date; Interface with another system.

Example: Patient Portal: Assignment

The following are requirements:

If any of these requirements are not met, the score will be 0.


If the requirements are met, the grade is as follows:

Possible points=50


If you do not receive a perfect score you may resubmit it as long as it is resubmitted within 3 days.
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