
alice lifecycleAlice Programming

Alice Programming

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Module 4: The Software-Lifecycle

In this module you will learn to design large programs using top down design, and various other tools.
You will break the program into small manageable parts to facilitate writing, testing and debugging the program. 
In order to do this you will learn to use several tools traditionally used by programmers.

You will use all of these tools to design your final project.


In order to do this you will:


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Please study the material at each of the links below.

  1. Pseudocode: Step by step instructions written in human language. For example in pseudocode we might write "the ball bounces", but the actual code would have the ball move up and down.

  2. A game: Rock, Paper, Scissors: Explanation and Pseudocode for the game

  3. Flowcharts: A flowchart is a drawing that shows the steps in an algorithm.

  4. Storyboards: A storyboard helps you design the entire movie: each scene shows the actors, positions, and scenery

  5. Drawing Flowcharts Drawing Flowcharts: Video shows how to draw flowchart using draw.io
  6. Flowchart for Rock, Paper, Scissors game: The top level flowchart for the rock paper scissors game is shown.

  7. Truth table for Rock, Paper, Scissors game Truth table for Rock, Paper, Scissors game: Video creates a truth table in Excel.
  8. Complete next Step of the final project.

  9. Self Study Questions Self Study Questions: What have you learned?

  10. Discussion questions Discussion questions: What do you think?

Active Learning

Design a final project.

GlossaryGlossary for lifecycle lesson
Full Glossary