
alice scenesAlice Programming

Alice Programming

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Module 3: Scene Procedures in Alice3

A movie may have many scenes such as introduction, ending, and everything in between.

In the scene editor, you may create different scenes by arranging one scene on the left and one on the right, perhaps another in the middle.

In your code you will create a scene procedure with all the comments and code that belongs in the scene.

In myFirstMethod, you will call each of the scenes.


Learn how to create Scene Procedures and use them for top down design


In order to do this you will:

Please study the material at each of the links below.

  1. Scene Procedure for Top-Down Design Scene Procedure for Top-Down Design: A Scene Procedure is code that is separate from myFirstMethod

  2. Procedures for top down design Procedures for top down design: Video shows how to use procedure for top down design.
  3. Both an Indoor and Outdoor Scene Both an Indoor and Outdoor Scene
  4. Move code to procedures Move code to procedures
  5. Scene Procedures Scene Procedures: Hello World using procedures.
  6. Scene Procedures2 Scene Procedures2: The Yeti family says hello and goodbye using procedures.
  7. Disabling Procedure Disabling Procedure
  8. Scene Parameters Scene Parameters: Adding parameters makes the procedure more versatile.
  9. Playing Sounds Playing Sounds: Video shows how to import and play any mp3 file.
  10. Self Study Questions Self Study Questions: What have you learned?

  11. Discussion questions Discussion questions: What do you think?

GlossaryGlossary for scenes lesson
Full Glossary