
computer-conceptsGlossary for Computer Concepts

Glossary for Computer Concepts

Learn Computer Concepts in FREE step-by-step lessons.

3D Modeling: also called ray tracing, utilizes sophisticated software graphics tools to create realistic 3D models that can be rotated and viewed from any angle in a virtual environment
   3D Modeling (three-dimensional)
   Lesson: Digital Media
3d: also called ray tracing, utilizes sophisticated software graphics tools to create realistic 3D models that can be rotated and viewed from any angle in a virtual environment
   Lesson: Digital Media
access points: Access points are essentially routers with the capability of wirelessly connecting to Wi-Fi equipped devices. The access point sends and receives signals to and from computers on the wireless local area network or WLAN(pronounced W-lan).
   Access points
   Lesson: Data Security
accessible computing: the provision of equal access to computers and information technology for individuals with disabilities
   Lesson: Ethics
ad wars: Ad blockers block online ads, but companies use techniques to get ads past the blockers, but shortly thereafter updates come out to counter those actions
   Lesson: Ecommerce
addiction, computer: the compulsive use of digital technologies such as the Internet, video games, online gambling, and pornography
   Computer addictions
   Lesson: Digital Life
AI method: consist of the various approaches to AI research that generally fall under one of two categories: conventional AI or computational intelligence
   Lesson: Artificial Intelligence
AI Tools 2: Additional generative AI tools
   AI Tools 2
   Lesson: Artificial Intelligence
AI Tools: Additional generative AI tools
   AI Tools
   Lesson: Artificial Intelligence
AI: refers to the art and science of creating computer systems that simulate human thought and behavior
   Lesson: Artificial Intelligence
ajax: Based on JavaScript, used mostly for client-side web programming
   Lesson: Software
Alice: Alice programs creates 3D Animation
   Alice: Introduction to Programming
   Lesson: Software
ALU: Contains the circuits that carry out instructions, such as mathematical and logical operations.
   Lesson: Hardware
Animation: involves displaying digital images in rapid succession to create the illusion of motion
   Lesson: Digital Media
animation: involves displaying digital images in rapid succession to create the illusion of motion
   Lesson: Digital Media
antivirus software: Antivirus software, also known as virus protection software, uses several techniques to find malware on a computer system; remove it if possible; and keep additional malware from infecting the system.
   Antivirus software
   Lesson: Data Security
api: a set of programming tools specifically designed for developing apps for a particular platform
   Lesson: Software
app: software goes by many names, including applications, apps, and programs
   Lesson: Software
architecture: defines the manner in which devices connect and communicate with each other over a network
   Lesson: The Internet
arithmetic operation: The ability to carry out math equations with variables
   Lesson: Software
array: A collection, or list of variables
   Lesson: Software
ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange is digital representation for of all the characters on a computer keyboard
   Lesson: Digital Technology
attribute: a characteristic of an entity, such as ID number. The specific value of an attribute, called a data item – such as R2D2, can be found in the fields of the record describing an entity.
   Lesson: Big Data
Augmented Reality: displays computer-generated images or information over objects viewed in real time and space
   Augmented Reality
   Lesson: Digital Media
augmented reality: displays computer-generated images or information over objects viewed in real time and space
   Lesson: Digital Media
autonomous vehicles: any vehicle that operates autonomously, without the aid of a human
   Lesson: Artificial Intelligence
B2B: supports transactions between businesses across private networks, the Internet, and the web
   B2B: Business-to-Business
   Lesson: Ecommerce
b2b: supports transactions between businesses across private networks, the Internet, and the web
   Lesson: Ecommerce
B2C: uses the web or mobile apps to connect individual consumers directly with commercial sellers
   B2C: Business-to-Consumer (etail)
   Lesson: Ecommerce
b2c: uses the web or mobile apps to connect individual consumers directly with commercial sellers
   Lesson: Ecommerce
backbone: consists of mostly fiber-optic cables that span the globe over land and under sea to provide connections between individuals, companies, organizations, and governments
   Lesson: The Internet
base: The base is the set of digits to represent a number. Base 10 (the usual human number system) has 10 digits: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. The place values are powers of 10: 1, 10, 100, 1000 etc.
   Lesson: Number Systems
Bayesian network: sometimes called a belief network, is a form of conventional AI that uses a graphical model to represent a set of variables and their relationships and dependencies
   Lesson: Artificial Intelligence
bckbone08internet: consists of mostly fiber-optic cables that span the globe over land and undersea to provide connections between individuals, companies, organizations, and governments
   Backbone (internet)
   Lesson: The Internet
behavior based: a form of conventional AI that is popular in programming robots
   Lesson: Artificial Intelligence
behavioral targeting: uses information about a person’s behavior to inform businesses and marketers so that they can offer products that are likely to be of interest to that person
   Lesson: Privacy
berners lee system: linked together documents to allow navigation from one document to related documents
   Lesson: Web Technologies
Berners-Lee’s System: linked together documents to allow navigation from one document to related documents
   Berners-Lee’s System
   Lesson: Web Technologies
Big Data: refers to the huge amount of data being collected and stored and to the process of drawing useful information from that data
   Big Data
   Lesson: Big Data
big data: refers to the huge amount of data being collected and stored and to the process of drawing useful information from that data
   Lesson: Big Data
binary number magic trick: Just for fun, print on heavy paper, cut out and enjoy!
   A Magic Trick using binary numbers (PDF file to download)
   Lesson: Number Systems
binary to decimal drill: Practice converting binary numbers to decimal
   Drill: Convert binary to decimal
   Lesson: Number Systems
binary to decimal: This video demonstrates converting decimal to binary. 5 minutes
   Convert binary to decimal: Video
   Lesson: Number Systems
binary to hex drill: Practice converting binary to hexadecimal
   Drill: Convert binary to hexadecimal
   Lesson: Number Systems
binary to hex: This video demonstrates converting binary to hex.
   Converting Binary to Hexadecimal
   Lesson: Number Systems
binary: base 2 has digits 0 and 1
   Lesson: Digital Technology
binary: Number system in base 2 with two values: 0 and 1.
   Lesson: Number Systems
Biometrics authentication method: Biometrics is the science and technology of authentication by scanning and measuring a person’s unique physical features (“something about you”). Fingerprints, facial characteristics, retinal patterns, and voice patterns are commonly used in biometrics.
   Biometrics authentication method
   Lesson: Data Security
BIOS: The BIOS stores information about your hardware configuration along with the boot program.
   Lesson: Hardware
Bitcoin: Bitcoin is a digital currency introduced in 2008 to replace the common currencies of the world
   Lesson: Ecommerce
bitcoin: Bitcoin is a digital currency introduced in 2008 to replace the common currencies of the world
   Lesson: Ecommerce
Bitmap: a bitmap image contains a grid of information about the color of each pixel
   Lesson: Digital Media
bitmap: a bitmap image contains a grid of information about the color of each pixel
   Lesson: Digital Media
bit: A Bit: Binary Digit can have one of two values, usually represented as 0 or 1.
   Lesson: Digital Technology
Blog: a website created to express one (or more) individual’s views on a given topic
   Blog (Web Log)
   Lesson: Freedom of Speech
blog: a website created to express one (or more) individual’s views on a given topic
   Lesson: Freedom of Speech
Bluetooth: enables a wide assortment of digital devices to communicate directly with each other wirelessly over short distances
   Lesson: Telecommunications
bluetooth: enables a wide assortment of digital devices to communicate directly with each other wirelessly over short distances
   Lesson: Telecommunications
botnet: A botnet, or botnet army, refers to a collection of computers autonomously or automatically working together toward some goal; these are often zombie computers that are synchronized to perform illegal activities on the Internet.
   botnet, or botnet army
   Lesson: Data Security
Bot: automated program
   Lesson: Web Technologies
bot: automated program
   Lesson: Web Technologies
Bridge: Connects two or more network segments, as a repeater does; a bridge also helps to regulate network traffic
   Bridge (Network Control Device)
   Lesson: Telecommunications
bridge: Connects two or more network segments, as a repeater does; a bridge also helps to regulate network traffic
   Lesson: Telecommunications
Broadband: a connection providing download speeds of 6 Mbps (megabits per second) up to over 100 Mbps
   Broadband / High-Speed Internet
   Lesson: Telecommunications
broadband: a connection providing download speeds of 6 Mbps (megabits per second) up to over 100 Mbps
   Lesson: Telecommunications
Browser: requests webpages from web servers, interprets the HTML code in the webpage that is delivered, and displays the content as defined by the HTML
   Browser (Web Browser)
   Lesson: Web Technologies
browser: requests webpages from web servers, interprets the HTML code in the webpage that is delivered, and displays the content as defined by the HTML
   Lesson: Web Technologies
Business Intelligence and Analytics: technologies that are used to gather and report information that supports business decision making
   Business Intelligence and Analytics
   Lesson: Ecommerce
business intelligence: technologies that are used to gather and report information that supports business decision making
   Lesson: Ecommerce
business systems: computer-based information systems that provide organizations with valuable information in a timely and effective manner
   Lesson: Ecommerce
bus: electrical pathways on the motherboard that connect the components.
   Lesson: Hardware
BYOD: A trend where employees are bringing devices to work and pressuring employers to support them.
   Lesson: Hardware
byte: a group of eight bits. One byte can represent any key on a keyboard.
   Lesson: Digital Technology
C2C: also called peer-to-peer, C2C ecommerce uses the web to connect individuals who wish to sell to other individuals
   C2C: Consumer-to-Consumer
   Lesson: Ecommerce
c2c: also called peer-to-peer, C2C ecommerce uses the web to connect individuals who wish to sell to other individuals
   Lesson: Ecommerce
Cable Modem: Provides Internet access to PCs and computer networks over a cable television network
   Cable Modem
   Lesson: Telecommunications
cable: Provides Internet access to PCs and computer networks over a cable television network
   Lesson: Telecommunications
cache: volatile internal memory optimized for speed.
   Lesson: Digital Technology
cache: A temporary storage area for frequently accessed or recently accessed data; speeds up the operation of the computer; size measured in megabytes (MB)
   Lesson: Hardware
case based: an area of conventional AI in which the AI software maintains a library of problem cases and solutions
   Lesson: Artificial Intelligence
Cellular Carrier: a company that builds and maintains a cellular network and provides cell phone service to the public
   Cellular Carrier
   Lesson: Telecommunications
cellular carrier: a company that builds and maintains a cellular network and provides cell phone service to the public
   Lesson: Telecommunications
Cellular Device: Cellular network carriers provide several options for connecting computers to the Internet
   Cellular Device
   Lesson: Telecommunications
cellular device: Cellular network carriers provide several options for connecting computers to the Internet
   Lesson: Telecommunications
Cellular Network: a wide area network in which a geographic area is divided into cells, with a transceiver antenna (tower) and station at the center of each cell, to support wireless mobile communications
   Cellular Network
   Lesson: Telecommunications
cellular network: a wide area network in which a geographic area is divided into cells, with a transceiver antenna (tower) and station at the center of each cell, to support wireless mobile communications
   Lesson: Telecommunications
Cellular Plan: defines the terms of service provided by a cellular carrier to which a cellular user subscribes
   Cellular Plan
   Lesson: Telecommunications
cellular plan: defines the terms of service provided by a cellular carrier to which a cellular user subscribes
   Lesson: Telecommunications
ChatGPT-GetGoodGrades: Using ChatGPT to get advice on how to get good grades in college
   Using chatGPT
   Lesson: Artificial Intelligence
children internet protection: requires schools and libraries that receive federal funding for technology to implement content filtering
   Lesson: Freedom of Speech
chip: Developed in 1950s, it integrated multiple transistors into a single module called an integrated circuit.
   Lesson: Hardware
CIPA: requires schools and libraries that receive federal funding for technology to implement content filtering
   Children’s Internet Protection Act (2000)
   Lesson: Freedom of Speech
circuit: A circuit is created by combining transistors, and sometimes other components, in a manner that accomplishes a specific task
   Lesson: Hardware
Client Server: a network architecture in which one computer or program (the client) makes a service request from another computer or program (the server) that provides the service
   Lesson: The Internet
client server: a network architecture in which one computer or program (the client) makes a service request from another computer or program (the server) that provides the service
   Lesson: The Internet
clock: Speed of the processor’s internal clock, which dictates how fast the processor can process data; usually measured in GHz (gigahertz, or billions of pulses per second)
   Lesson: Hardware
cloud computing: migration of storage, software, and services from user devices—including corporate servers, personal computers, and mobile devices—to Internet servers
   Cloud Computing
   Lesson: The Internet
Cloud Computing: delivers a variety of computing resources from the Internet as a service for free or for a fee, to relieve users from the burden of installing, maintaining, and securing those resources themselves
   Cloud Computing
   Lesson: Web Technologies
cloud computing: delivers a variety of computing resources from the Internet as a service for free or for a fee, to relieve users from the burden of installing, maintaining, and securing those resources themselves
   Lesson: Web Technologies
Cloud Models: There are several cloud models that serve various environments, including private clouds, community clouds, public clouds, and hybrid clouds
   Cloud Models
   Lesson: Web Technologies
cloud models: There are several cloud models that serve various environments, including private clouds, community clouds, public clouds, and hybrid clouds
   Lesson: Web Technologies
Cloud Services: include computing services provided over the Internet in three categories: infrastructure, platform, and application.
   Cloud Services
   Lesson: Web Technologies
cloud services: include computing services provided over the Internet in three categories: infrastructure, platform, and application.
   Lesson: Web Technologies
cloud: migration of storage, software, and services from user devices—including corporate servers, personal computers, and mobile devices—to Internet servers
   Lesson: The Internet
CMYK: printed color uses the CMYK color model to define colors
   CMYK: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black
   Lesson: Digital Media
cmyk: printed color uses the CMYK color model to define colors
   Lesson: Digital Media
Coaxial cable: An inner conductor wire surrounded by insulation, a conductive shield, and a cover used for cable TV and other applications
   Coaxial (Cable)
   Lesson: Telecommunications
coaxial: An inner conductor wire surrounded by insulation, a conductive shield, and a cover used for cable TV and other applications
   Lesson: Telecommunications
coding: same as computer programming, or programming
   Lesson: Software
Color: Experiment with RGB Colors
   Lesson: Digital Media
communication app: support communication between people and groups through text, voice, and video
   Lesson: Software
comparison operation: the ability to compare data using comparison operators such as <
   Lesson: Software
computational intelligence: an offshoot of AI that employs methodologies such as neural networks, fuzzy systems, and evolutionary computation to set up a system whereby the software can develop intelligence through an iterative learning process
   Lesson: Artificial Intelligence
computer addictions: the compulsive use of digital technologies such as the Internet, video games, online gambling, and pornography
   Lesson: Digital Life
computer based violence: acts of interactive simulated violence provided by computer games
   Lesson: Digital Life
computer ethics: the responsible use of computers in all contexts and applications, by individuals, organizations, and governments
   Lesson: Ethics
computer vision: combines hardware and AI software that permit computers to capture, store, and interpret visual images and pictures
   Lesson: Artificial Intelligence
computer: A digital electronics device that combines hardware and software to accept the input of data and then process and store the data to produce some useful output.
   Lesson: Digital Technology
conditional: the ability to choose different operations depending on a condition
   Lesson: Software
Content Filtering: use to set rules and define what is allowable, such as parental controls, or to block child pornography
   Content Filtering
   Lesson: Freedom of Speech
content filtering: use to set rules and define what is allowable, such as parental controls, or to block child pornography
   Lesson: Freedom of Speech
context aware: software that uses artificial intelligence to provide services based on environmental context
   Lesson: Artificial Intelligence
conventional AI: also called symbolic AI, logical AI, or neat AI—uses programming that emphasizes statistical analysis to calculate the probability of various outcomes
   Lesson: Artificial Intelligence
Cookie: small text file placed on a user’s computer by a web server in order to identify the user whenever he or she returns to visit a website
   Lesson: Web Technologies
cookie: small text file placed on a user’s computer by a web server in order to identify the user whenever he or she returns to visit a website
   Lesson: Web Technologies
copyright: Protects the words, music, and other expressions for the life of the copyright holder plus 70 years
   Lesson: Intellectual Property
cpp: General-purpose language that uses objects
   Lesson: Software
CPU components: The CPU is made up of many components. The main ones are Control unit, Arithmetic/logic unit (ALU), Registers, Cache, Clock speed
   Lesson: Hardware
cpu: Central Processing Unit: sometimes refered to as the heart of the computer.
   Lesson: Digital Technology
CPU: a group of circuits that perform the processing in a computer, typically in one integrated circuit called a microprocessor
   Lesson: Hardware
creativity app: any software that assists people in creating items of value like art, music, video, or software
   Lesson: Software
CRM: use of information systems to store detailed information on prospective, current, and past customers to improve customer service and support targeted marketing
   CRM: Customer Relationship Management
   Lesson: Ecommerce
crm: use of information systems to store detailed information on prospective, current, and past customers to improve customer service and support targeted marketing
   Lesson: Ecommerce
CSS: allows easy application of visual styles for fonts, colors, layouts, and other page attributes to create visual themes for webpages and sites
   CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
   Lesson: Web Technologies
css: allows easy application of visual styles for fonts, colors, layouts, and other page attributes to create visual themes for webpages and sites
   Lesson: Web Technologies
cyberwarfare: Cyberwarfare extends traditional forms of warfare to the Internet and the web, including espionage, psychological warfare, and attacks.
   Lesson: Data Security
c: General-purpose language popular on UNIX and Linux platforms
   Lesson: Software
data backup: Data backup is a process in which copies of important computer files are stored in a safe place to guard against data loss.
   Data backup
   Lesson: Data Security
data center: a climate-controlled room, building, or buildings that houses servers storing and delivering information and services
   Lesson: Big Data
data dictionary: provides a detailed description of each field and table in a database
   Lesson: Big Data
data hierarchy: refers to the manner in which data in a database is organized into sequential levels of detail
   Lesson: Big Data
data integrity: refers to the quality of data: the degree to which it is accurate and up to date
   Lesson: Big Data
data mining: the process of extracting information from a data warehouse
   Lesson: Big Data
data warehouse: a very large database that holds information from a variety of sources
   Lesson: Big Data
database tools: include software and techniques for analyzing, maintaining, and manipulating data in a database
   Lesson: Big Data
database: a collection of organized data, of integrated and related files or tables
   Lesson: Big Data
DBMS: consists of a group of programs that manipulate the data within a database, providing an interface between the database and the user or between the database and application programs
   DBMS: Database Management System
   Lesson: Big Data
dbms: consists of a group of programs that manipulate the data within a database, providing an interface between the database and the user or between the database and application programs
   Lesson: Big Data
decimal binary hex: Conversion table
   Decimal, Binary and Hexadecimal
   Lesson: Number Systems
decimal to binary drill: Practice converting binary numbers to decimal
   Drill: Convert decimal to binary
   Lesson: Number Systems
decimal: The number system used by humans: base 10 has digits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
   Lesson: Digital Technology
decimal: Number system with base 10: has digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 (the usual human number system)
   Lesson: Number Systems
device driver: software that is installed for each device connected to a PC, which allows the OS to communicate with that device
   Lesson: Software
dial up: Provides narrowband Internet connections over phone lines
   Lesson: Telecommunications
Dial-Up Modem: Provides narrowband Internet connections over phone lines
   Dial-Up Modem
   Lesson: Telecommunications
digital assistant: Streamlined interfaces like Apple’s Siri, Google Now, Amazon’s Alexa, and Microsoft’s Cortana
   Lesson: Hardware
Digital Audio: any type of sound, including voice, music, and sound effects, recorded and stored digitally as a series of 1s and 0s
   Digital Audio
   Lesson: Digital Media
digital audio: any type of sound, including voice, music, and sound effects, recorded and stored digitally as a series of 1s and 0s
   Lesson: Digital Media
Digital Camera: a camera that captures photographs, and sometimes video, and stores them digitally rather than on film
   Digital Camera
   Lesson: Digital Media
digital camera: a camera that captures photographs, and sometimes video, and stores them digitally rather than on film
   Lesson: Digital Media
digital certificate: A digital certificate, also called an SSL certificate, is a type of electronic business card that is attached to Internet transaction data to verify the sender of the data.
   digital certificate
   Lesson: Data Security
digital divide: the social and economic gap between those who have access to computers and the Internet and those who do not
   Lesson: Ethics
digital etiquette: using digital technologies in a manner that is respectful to others
   Lesson: Digital Life
Digital Graphics: digital media applications that support creating, editing, and viewing 2D and 3D images and animation
   Digital Graphics
   Lesson: Digital Media
digital graphics: digital media applications that support creating, editing, and viewing 2D and 3D images and animation
   Lesson: Digital Media
digital life: the influence of digital technologies on the manner in which people live their lives
   Lesson: Digital Life
digital literacy: Digital literacy refers to an understanding of how computers represent different types of data with digits and how the usefulness of that representation assists people in leading productive lives.
   Lesson: Digital Technology
Digital Media: refers to digital technologies of all kinds that serve and support digital publishing and broadcasting, and digital audio, video, and graphics
   Digital Media
   Lesson: Digital Media
digital media: refers to digital technologies of all kinds that serve and support digital publishing and broadcasting, and digital audio, video, and graphics
   Lesson: Digital Media
Digital Music Player: a mobile or desktop device that plays digital music that is stored on the device or streamed from a computer or the Internet
   Digital Music Player
   Lesson: Digital Media
digital music player: a mobile or desktop device that plays digital music that is stored on the device or streamed from a computer or the Internet
   Lesson: Digital Media
Digital Photography: a form of photography that captures, stores, and manipulates photographs digitally as a series of 1s and 0s
   Digital Photography
   Lesson: Digital Media
digital photography: a form of photography that captures, stores, and manipulates photographs digitally as a series of 1s and 0s
   Lesson: Digital Media
Digital Publications: include eBooks, electronic magazines, online newspapers, blogs, and other forms of traditional publishing that have moved online
   Digital Publications
   Lesson: Digital Media
digital publications: include ebooks, electronic magazines, online newspapers, blogs, and other forms of traditional publishing that have moved online
   Lesson: Digital Media
Digital Signal: designed to carry computer data, which is digitally represented as bits
   Digital Signal
   Lesson: Telecommunications
digital signal: designed to carry computer data, which is digitally represented as bits
   Lesson: Telecommunications
Digital Video: stores a progression of digital photographs and displays them at 24 to 30 photos, or frames, per second (fps) to give the illusion of a smoothly flowing scene
   Digital Video
   Lesson: Digital Media
digital video: stores a progression of digital photographs and displays them at 24 to 30 photos, or frames, per second (fps) to give the illusion of a smoothly flowing scene
   Lesson: Digital Media
digitize: transform information into a digital representation.
   Lesson: Digital Technology
distracted driving: when drivers focus on their cell phones or other distractions rather than on the road
   Lesson: Digital Life
distributed workforce
   Lesson: Ecommerce
DMCA: a U.S. copyright law designed to reduce illegal digital media copying by criminalizing the production, distribution, and use of technologies designed to circumvent DRM technologies
   DMCA: Digital Millennium Copyright Act
   Lesson: Intellectual Property
dmca: a U.S. copyright law designed to reduce illegal digital media copying by criminalizing the production, distribution, and use of technologies designed to circumvent DRM technologies
   Lesson: Intellectual Property
DNS: maintains a database of all domain names and IP addresses used on the Internet and acts like a phonebook
   DNS: Domain Name System
   Lesson: The Internet
domain name system: maintains a database of all domain names and IP addresses used on the Internet and acts like a phonebook
   Lesson: The Internet
DRCS: important tools for groups of developers working together to create and improve software
   Lesson: Software
DRM: technology that protects digital forms of intellectual property by restricting the number of devices and applications on which a file can be opened and the number of times that the file can be copied
   DRM: Digital Rights Management
   Lesson: Intellectual Property
drm: technology that protects digital forms of intellectual property by restricting the number of devices and applications on which a file can be opened and the number of times that the file can be copied
   Lesson: Intellectual Property
DSL: Similar to a cable modem but provides high-speed Internet service over telephone lines
   DSL: Digital Subscriber Line
   Lesson: Telecommunications
dsl: Similar to a cable modem but provides high-speed Internet service over telephone lines
   Lesson: Telecommunications
e notation: Very large and very small numbers are sometimes displayed in scientific, or e notation.
   Lesson: Number Systems
e waste: E-waste refers to discarded digital electronics devices and components.
   Lesson: Ethics
e-notation drill: Practice writing e notation in normal format.
   Drill: Value of e notation
   Lesson: Number Systems
eBooks: books published in a digital format and viewed online or with special eBook software on a reading device—an eReader, smartphone, tablet, or PC
   Lesson: Digital Media
ebooks: books published in a digital format and viewed online or with special ebook software on a reading device—an ereader, smartphone, tablet, or PC
   Lesson: Digital Media
Ecommerce: refers to systems that support electronically executed business transactions
   Ecommerce: electronic commerce
   Lesson: Ecommerce
ecommerce: refers to systems that support electronically executed business transactions
   Lesson: Ecommerce
ecosystem: Different types of devices are designed to work together.
   Lesson: Digital Technology
Education, Online: refers to websites designed to educate or support education and training
   Education, Online
   Lesson: Web Technologies
education: refers to websites designed to educate or support education and training
   Lesson: Web Technologies
Electronic Communication: Includes asynchronous such as email and text messaging as well as synchronous such video or phone
   Electronic Communication
   Lesson: Web Technologies
electronic communication: Includes asynchronous such as email and text messaging as well as synchronous such video or phone
   Lesson: Web Technologies
embedded systems: hardwired into a computer component, such as ROM or flash memory, to control a special-purpose computer
   Lesson: Software
Emoji: pictures from punctuation, like (-;
   Lesson: Web Technologies
emoji: pictures from punctuation, like (-;
   Lesson: Web Technologies
Encryption: Encryption is a security technique that uses high-level mathematical functions and computer algorithms to encode data so that it is unintelligible to all but the sender and recipient.
   Lesson: Data Security
energy star: The Energy Star program was created in 1992 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to inspire energy conservation in electronics products.
   Lesson: Ethics
enterprise systems: information systems designed to support all or most of the functions of an enterprise
   Lesson: Ecommerce
entertainment app: any apps that are used for enjoyable leisure time activities, including listening to music; watching TV, videos, and movies; reading books and magazines; and playing games
   Lesson: Software
entity: a generalized class of people, places, or things (objects) for which data is collected, stored, and maintained. Entities are represented as tables in a database.
   Lesson: Big Data
ePayment: electronic payment systems based on new technologies designed to do away with cash, credit cards, and wallets
   ePayment: electronic payment
   Lesson: Ecommerce
epayment: electronic payment systems based on new technologies designed to do away with cash, credit cards, and wallets
   Lesson: Ecommerce
ERD: illustrates relationships between tables in a database
   ERD: Entity Relationship Diagram
   Lesson: Big Data
erd: illustrates relationships between tables in a database
   Lesson: Big Data
ergonomics: the study of designing the work environment and positioning computer equipment in a healthy manner
   Lesson: Digital Life
ERP: integrates all data processing in a corporation (enterprise) into one unified system
   ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning System
   Lesson: Ecommerce
erp: integrates all data processing in a corporation (enterprise) into one unified system
   Lesson: Ecommerce
ethics: a branch of philosophy that deals with issues of morality
   Lesson: Ethics
   Introduction to Excel
   Lesson: Software
   Excel: Adding Equations
   Lesson: Software
   Excel: Adding Graphs
   Lesson: Software
expert system: a form of conventional AI that is programmed to function like a human expert in a particular field or area
   Lesson: Artificial Intelligence
FCC: assigns different frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum for different uses in the United States
   FCC: Federal Communications Commission
   Lesson: Telecommunications
fcc: assigns different frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum for different uses in the United States
   Lesson: Telecommunications
fiber optic: Consists of thousands of strands of glass or plastic bound together in a sheathing; transmits signals with light beams
   Lesson: Telecommunications
Fiber-Optic: Consists of thousands of strands of glass or plastic bound together in a sheathing; transmits signals with light beams
   Fiber-Optic (Cable)
   Lesson: Telecommunications
field: the smallest practical unit in most databases: typically a name, number, or combination of characters that in some way describes an aspect of an object
   Lesson: Big Data
file management: the physical and logical storage system and practices provided for managing data on a computer
   Lesson: Software
file permissions: Permissions, or file system permissions, refers to the specific access privileges afforded to each network user and each system resource in terms of which files, folders, and drives each user can read, write, and execute.
   Permissions, or file system permissions
   Lesson: Data Security
Financial Services, Online: support money management, loans, investments, and transactions for individuals, businesses, and organizations
   Financial Services, Online
   Lesson: Web Technologies
financial services: support money management, loans, investments, and transactions for individuals, businesses, and organizations
   Lesson: Web Technologies
Firewall: filters the information coming onto a network
   Firewall (Network Control Device)
   Lesson: Telecommunications
firewall: filters the information coming onto a network
   Lesson: Telecommunications
firewall: A firewall is network hardware or software that examines data packets flowing in and sometimes out of a network or computer in order to filter out packets that are potentially dangerous.
   Lesson: Data Security
firmware: programs and data from the computer manufacturer, including the boot process used to start the computer.
   Lesson: Hardware
format pictures in Word: Video on wrapping text around picture
   Format pictures in Word
   Lesson: Software
free speech: the ability of a person to publicly speak or publish any thought without legal constraints or repercussions
   Lesson: Freedom of Speech
Freedom of speech: the ability of a person to publicly speak or publish any thought without legal constraints or repercussions
   Freedom of speech
   Lesson: Freedom of Speech
FSB: The most important bus on a PC motherboard is the front front-side bus, or FSB. FSB speed is important and is typically listed with the specifications of a computer.
   Lesson: Hardware
Gateway: A network point that acts as an entrance to another network
   Gateway (Network Control Device)
   Lesson: Telecommunications
gateway: A network point that acts as an entrance to another network
   Lesson: Telecommunications
geographic information: captures, manages, analyzes, and displays geographically referenced information, often utilizing maps
   Lesson: Ecommerce
GIS: captures, manages, analyzes, and displays geographically referenced information, often utilizing maps
   GIS: Geographic Information System
   Lesson: Ecommerce
github: One popular DRCS: Distributed Revision Control Systems
   Lesson: Software
globalization: refers to changes in societies and the world economy, resulting from dramatically increased international trade and cultural exchange
   Lesson: Ecommerce
governmental computer ethics: a government’s responsibility to create laws to protect citizens from unethical computer use and provide citizens with equal access to computers and information technologies as well as their benefits
   Lesson: Ethics
GPS: uses satellites to pinpoint the location of objects on earth
   GPS: Global Positioning System
   Lesson: Telecommunications
gps: uses satellites to pinpoint the location of objects on earth
   Lesson: Telecommunications
green computing: efforts to utilize environmentally conscious practices in the manufacturing and use of digital technologies
   Lesson: Ethics
GUI: uses a keyboard and mouse, touch screen, joystick, or other pointing device to manipulate graphics images on the display to issue commands to the computer system (pronounced "gooey")
   Lesson: Software
hacker: A hacker is an individual who subverts computer security without authorization.
   Lesson: Data Security
hacktivists: hack computer networks for a perceived righteous cause
   Lesson: Ethics
hardware internet: Hardware, such as cables, satellites, and routers, transfers the packets of data that travel over the Internet
   Lesson: The Internet
hardware, internet: Hardware, such as cables, satellites, and routers, transfers the packets of data that travel over the Internet
   Hardware (Internet)
   Lesson: The Internet
hardware: the tangible parts of the computer that take up physical space.
   Lesson: Digital Technology
hardware: the tangible parts of a computer or digital device and typically includes support for processing, storage, input, and output.
   Lesson: Hardware
hex to binary drill: Practice converting hexadecimal to binary.
   Drill: Convert hexadecimal to binary
   Lesson: Number Systems
hex to binary: This video show how to convert binary to hexadecimal.
   Converting Hexadecimal to Binary
   Lesson: Number Systems
hexadecimal: Base 16: 4 binary digits can be represented by 1 hex digit.
   Hexadecimal Numbers: Base 16
   Lesson: Number Systems
hexadecimal: A number system: base 16 has digits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
   Lesson: Digital Technology
hexadecimal: Number system with base 16: has 16 digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D, and F
   Lesson: Number Systems
history internet: In 1969, Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) commissioned ARPANET for research into networking
   Lesson: The Internet
history, internet: In 1969, Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) commissioned ARPANET for research into networking
   History (Internet)
   Lesson: The Internet
host: An ecommerce host is a company that takes on some or all of the responsibility of setting up and maintaining an ecommerce website and system for a business
   Lesson: Ecommerce
HTML: the primary markup language used to specify the formatting of a webpage, it is NOT a programming language.
   HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
   Lesson: Web Technologies
html: the primary markup language used to specify the formatting of a webpage
   Lesson: Web Technologies
http: controls communication between web clients and servers
   Lesson: Web Technologies
Hub: A small electronic box used as a central point for connecting a series of computers
   Hub (Network Control Device)
   Lesson: Telecommunications
hub: A small electronic box used as a central point for connecting a series of computers
   Lesson: Telecommunications
Hyperlink: an element in an online document—a word, phrase, or image—that, when clicked, opens a related online document
   Lesson: Web Technologies
hyperlink: an element in an online document—a word, phrase, or image—that, when clicked, opens a related online document
   Lesson: Web Technologies
IANA: responsible for managing URLs and IP addresses
   IANA: Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
   Lesson: Web Technologies
iana: responsible for managing URLs and IP addresses
   Lesson: Web Technologies
ICANN: manages Domain names and IP addresses, was under the control of the U.S. federal government until recently when it was released from U.S. control to operate as an international partnership
   ICANN: Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
   Lesson: The Internet
icann: manages Domain names and IP addresses, was under the control of the U.S. federal government until recently when it was released from U.S. control to operate as an international partnership
   Lesson: The Internet
ICT: (including the Internet and web)
   Lesson: Ethics
identity theft: Identity theft is the criminal act of stealing information about a person to assume that person’s identity in order to commit fraud or other crimes.
   Identity theft
   Lesson: Data Security
image-editor: Using an image editor with the command to make the weather stormy
   Using an Image Editor
   Lesson: Artificial Intelligence
Immersive Media: digital media that involve user interaction for education, training, or entertainment
   Immersive Media
   Lesson: Digital Media
immersive media: digital media that involve user interaction for education, training, or entertainment
   Lesson: Digital Media
impacts: refer to the consequences of computer use on society and the world
   Lesson: Ethics
influence: the influence of digital technologies on the manner in which people live their lives
   Digital Life
   Lesson: Digital Life
info app: provide useful information on a variety of topics
   Lesson: Software
informatics: applies computer-based information system technologies to support traditional disciplines such as science and medicine
   Lesson: Ecommerce
information management: software and computer-based systems dedicated to collecting, storing, and manipulating data in a manner that produces useful information on which to base decisions
   Lesson: Ecommerce
information overload: inability to cope with the huge amount of information
   Lesson: Digital Life
Infrastructure: In telecommunications, infrastructure refers to the hardware, software, and protocols that support telecommunications
   Lesson: Telecommunications
infrastructure: In telecommunications, infrastructure refers to the hardware, software, and protocols that support telecommunications
   Lesson: Telecommunications
input: anything that a computer can collect and store.
   Lesson: Digital Technology
intellectual property rights: concern the legal ownership and use of intellectual property
   Lesson: Intellectual Property
intellectual property: a product of the mind or intellect, includes the design of physical software, music, movies, designs, written stories, and ideas
   Lesson: Intellectual Property
interior threats: Interior threats are network security threats that originate from within a network, typically from registered users.
   Interior threats
   Lesson: Data Security
International Business Model: include methods of engaging in international business ranging from basic import/export to fully transnational businesses
   International Business Model
   Lesson: Ecommerce
international business model: include methods of engaging in international business ranging from basic import/export to fully transnational businesses
   Lesson: Ecommerce
Internet Censorship: refers to the control of speech and other forms of expression over the Internet and web by a government or authority
   Internet Censorship
   Lesson: Freedom of Speech
internet censorship: refers to the control of speech and other forms of expression over the Internet and web by a government or authority
   Lesson: Freedom of Speech
Internet Communications: include text-based communications, voice, video, and others such as forums
   Internet Communications
   Lesson: Web Technologies
internet communications: include text-based communications, voice, video, and others such as forums
   Lesson: Web Technologies
Internet Decency: refers to efforts by governments and others to rid the Internet and web of content that they consider indecent
   Internet Decency
   Lesson: Freedom of Speech
internet decency: refers to efforts by governments and others to rid the Internet and web of content that they consider indecent
   Lesson: Freedom of Speech
internet fraud: Internet fraud is the crime of deliberately deceiving a person over the Internet in order to damage them or to obtain property or services unlawfully.
   Internet fraud
   Lesson: Data Security
internet security: Internet security refers to the unique threats and defenses associated with computers connected to the Internet.
   Internet security
   Lesson: Data Security
Internet: the world’s largest public computer network—a network of networks that provides a vast array of services to individuals, businesses, and organizations around the world
   The Internet
   Lesson: The Internet
internet: the world’s largest public computer network—a network of networks that provides a vast array of services to individuals, businesses, and organizations around the world
   Lesson: The Internet
IoT: refers to the ability of physical objects to communicate over the Internet using embedded computing devices
   IoT: The Internet of Things
   Lesson: The Internet
iot: refers to the ability of physical objects to communicate over the Internet using embedded computing devices
   Lesson: The Internet
IP Address: The Internet Protocol requires that all devices connected to the Internet have a unique IP address. An IP address is a unique 32- or 128-bit identifier for Internet users and hosts
   IP Address
   Lesson: The Internet
ip address: The Internet Protocol requires that all devices connected to the Internet have a unique IP address. An IP address is a unique 32- or 128-bit identifier for Internet users and hosts
   Lesson: The Internet
ISP: A company that provides individuals and organizations with access to the Internet
   ISP: Internet Service Provider
   Lesson: The Internet
isp: A company that provides individuals and organizations with access to the Internet
   Lesson: The Internet
iteration: the ability to repeat an operation as long as a condition remains true; also called looping
   Lesson: Software
javascript: Used mostly for client-side web programming
   Lesson: Software
Java: General-purpose language that uses objects, used for developing Android apps
   Lesson: Software
Jquery: Based on JavaScript, used mostly for client-side web programming
   Lesson: Software
Key, database: A database key is a field in a table used to identify a record
   Key, database
   Lesson: Big Data
key: A database key is a field in a table used to identify a record
   Lesson: Big Data
KM: assists an organization in capturing, storing, and distributing knowledge for use and reuse by the organization and sometimes others
   KM: Knowledge Management
   Lesson: Ecommerce
knowledge management: assists an organization in capturing, storing, and distributing knowledge for use and reuse by the organization and sometimes others
   Lesson: Ecommerce
LAN: a privately-owned computer network that connects computers and devices within the same building or local geographic area
   LAN: Local Area Network
   Lesson: Telecommunications
lan: a privately-owned computer network that connects computers and devices within the same building or local geographic area
   Lesson: Telecommunications
Linux: a free, open-source operating system for PCs, servers, and other types of computers
   Lesson: Software
Machine-level security: Machine-level security refers to actions taken to protect information on a computer that may or may not be connected to a computer network or the Internet.
   Machine-level security
   Lesson: Data Security
magic trick with binary numbers: Just for fun, print on heavy paper, cut out and enjoy!
   A Magic Trick using binary numbers (PDF file to download)
   Lesson: Number Systems
malware: includes any software designed to damage, corrupt, or illegally manipulate computer resources. Common forms include viruses, worms, and spyware.
   Malware is short for "malicious software"
   Lesson: Data Security
mCommerce: eCommerce carried out over mobile devices
   Lesson: Ecommerce
mcommerce: ecommerce carried out over mobile devices
   Lesson: Ecommerce
media: hard drives, DVDs, magnetic tape are slower but are not volatile.
   Lesson: Digital Technology
Microwaves: Waves sent at the high end of the radio spectrum, between 1 and 300 GHz
   Lesson: Telecommunications
microwaves: Waves sent at the high end of the radio spectrum, between 1 and 300 GHz
   Lesson: Telecommunications
Mobile Phone: the handset used by the subscriber to communicate on a cellular network
   Mobile Phone
   Lesson: Telecommunications
mobile phone: the handset used by the subscriber to communicate on a cellular network
   Lesson: Telecommunications
Moore's Law: states that the number of transistors on a chip will double about every two years.
   Lesson: Hardware
motherboard: the primary circuit board of a computer to which all components are connected, including the CPU.
   Lesson: Hardware
multiprocessing: also called parallel processing, is processing that occurs using more than one processing unit to increase productivity and performance.
   Lesson: Hardware
Net Neutrality: a principle applied to high-speed Internet services, whereby all data is delivered to all users with equal priority
   Net Neutrality
   Lesson: Freedom of Speech
net neutrality: a principle applied to high-speed Internet services, whereby all data is delivered to all users with equal priority
   Lesson: Freedom of Speech
Netiquette: using digital technologies in a manner that is respectful to others
   Digital Etiquette/Netiquette
   Lesson: Digital Life
Network Adapter: A computer circuit board, PC card, or USB device installed in a computer so that the computer can be connected to a network
   Network Adapter
   Lesson: Telecommunications
network adapter: A computer circuit board, PC card, or USB device installed in a computer so that the computer can be connected to a network
   Lesson: Telecommunications
network administrator: makes sure that users on various platforms are able to access the network
   network administrator
   Lesson: IT Careers
network security: Network security is concerned with addressing vulnerabilities and threats in computer networks that may or may not be connected to the Internet.
   Network security
   Lesson: Data Security
network usage policy: A network usage policy is a document, agreement, or contract that defines acceptable and unacceptable uses of computer and network resources for a business or organization.
   Network usage policy
   Lesson: Data Security
neural network: uses software to simulate the functioning of the neurons in a human brain
   Lesson: Artificial Intelligence
NIC: A circuit board or PC card that provides a port for the device to connect to a wired network with traditional network cables
   NIC: Network Interface Card
   Lesson: Telecommunications
nic: A circuit board or PC card that provides a port for the device to connect to a wired network with traditional network cables
   Lesson: Telecommunications
NLP: uses AI techniques to enable computers to generate and understand human languages
   Lesson: Artificial Intelligence
normalization, data: the process of correcting data problems or anomalies, ensuring that the database contains good data
   Lesson: Big Data
normalization: the process of correcting data problems or anomalies, ensuring that the database contains good data
   Lesson: Big Data
numbers: Quantities can be grouped in different ways.
   Number systems: grouping
   Lesson: Number Systems
OCR: identifies the text in an image and transforms it to ASCII representation.
   Lesson: Digital Technology
octal: A number system: base 8 has digits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
   Lesson: Digital Technology
office suites: software collections that include a word processor, a spreadsheet app, presentation software, and sometime database and other useful software
   Lesson: Software
offshoring: business practice that relocates an entire production line to another location, typically in another country
   Lesson: Ecommerce
Online Information: information of all kinds that is delivered over the Internet
   Online Information
   Lesson: Web Technologies
online information: information of all kinds that is delivered over the Internet
   Lesson: Web Technologies
online marketing: employs many strategies to make consumers aware of goods and services available for purchase online
   Lesson: Ecommerce
Online Publications: Online newspapers and magazines include electronic versions of print newspapers and magazines as well as online-only publications
   Online Publications
   Lesson: Digital Media
online publications: Online newspapers and magazines include electronic versions of print newspapers and magazines as well as online-only publications
   Lesson: Digital Media
OOP: data, instructions, and other programming procedures are grouped together in reusable objects
   Lesson: Software
OS: set of computer programs that runs or controls the computer hardware and acts as a user interface
   Lesson: Software
output: the results of the processing
   Lesson: Digital Technology
outsourcing: refers to a business’ use of an outside company to take over portions of its workload
   Lesson: Ecommerce
patent: Protects an invention by giving the patent holder a monopoly on the use of the invention for 20 years
   Lesson: Intellectual Property
pc: General-purpose computer designed to meet the many computing needs of one individual.
   Lesson: Digital Technology
perl: Popular web server-side programming language
   Lesson: Software
permissions, file: Permissions, or file system permissions, refers to the specific access privileges afforded to each network user and each system resource in terms of which files, folders, and drives each user can read, write, and execute.
   Permissions, or file system permissions
   Lesson: Data Security
personal digital assistant: a program that draws from a knowledge base in order to answer questions and perform tasks for a person
   Lesson: Artificial Intelligence
pervasive computing: the ability to access computing and information technologies at any time, in any place
   Lesson: Digital Life
phishing scam: A phishing scam combines fraudulent email with faked websites in order to trick a person into providing private information that can be used for identity theft.
   phishing scam
   Lesson: Data Security
Photo Editing: the process of altering digital photographs, using software tools
   Photo Editing
   Lesson: Digital Media
photo editing: the process of altering digital photographs, using software tools
   Lesson: Digital Media
php: Popular web server-side programming language
   Lesson: Software
PIN: Machine-level security refers to actions taken to protect information on a computer that may or may not be connected to a computer network or the Internet.
   PIN: personal identification number
   Lesson: Data Security
piracy: the illegal copying, use, and distribution of digital intellectual property, such as software, music, and movies
   Lesson: Intellectual Property
Pixel: Digital images are made up of a grid of small points called pixels
   Pixel (picture element)
   Lesson: Digital Media
pixel: Digital images are made up of a grid of small points called pixels
   Lesson: Digital Media
pi: assist people in managing their personal lives, including their contacts, calendar, to-do list, health, and money
   Lesson: Software
plagiarism: taking credit for someone else’s intellectual property, typically a written idea, by claiming it as your own
   Lesson: Intellectual Property
platform: Describes a computer’s architecture in terms of hardware and software
   Lesson: Digital Technology
plug in: works with a web browser to offer extended services such as audio players, video, animation, 3D graphics viewers, and interactive media
   Lesson: Web Technologies
Plug-In: works with a web browser to offer extended services such as audio players, video, animation, 3D graphics viewers, and interactive media
   Plug-In (Extension or Add-On)
   Lesson: Web Technologies
Podcast: an audio file that contains a recorded broadcast distributed over the Internet
   Lesson: Digital Media
podcast: an audio file that contains a recorded broadcast distributed over the Internet
   Lesson: Digital Media
primary key: A primary key is a field (or combination of fields) within a database table that uniquely identifies each record
   Lesson: Big Data
Privacy Protective Laws : refer to legislation designed to protect the private information of U.S. citizens
   Privacy Protective Laws (U.S.)
   Lesson: Privacy
privacy protective laws: refer to legislation designed to protect the private information of U.S. citizens
   Lesson: Privacy
privacy: refers to being free from intrusion; it is the right to be left alone, to be free from surveillance, and to have control over the information collected and stored about yourself
   Lesson: Privacy
processing: carries out the instructions provided by software. Digital devices process bits of data into useful information and services.
   Lesson: Hardware
productivity software: resource
   Download free productivity software
   Lesson: Software
professional app: general-purpose, custom apps required for use at work
   Lesson: Software
programmer: develops code used to create software programs designed to tell computers how to process information and perform specific tasks
   Lesson: IT Careers
programming language: provide a set of symbols, commands, and rules (syntax) used to write program code
   Lesson: Software
programming: the process of creating software through the use of logic, algorithms, and programming languages
   Lesson: Software
protocols: allow different types of networks to communicate
   Lesson: The Internet
python: popular beginner’s language that is easy to learn
   Lesson: Software
Radio Spectrum: part of the electromagnetic spectrum, refers to all of the frequencies available for radio waves from about 10 kHz to 300 GHz and their assigned uses
   Radio Spectrum
   Lesson: Telecommunications
radio spectrum: part of the electromagnetic spectrum, refers to all of the frequencies available for radio waves from about 10 KHz to 300 GHz and their assigned uses
   Lesson: Telecommunications
RAM: Random Access Memory: volatile memory optimized for speed.
   Lesson: Digital Technology
raspberry: Small, inexpensive motherboard containing entire computer systems used to build all kinds of electronic gadgets
   Lesson: Hardware
record: A collection of related fields that describe some object or activity. A record is an instance of an entity.
   Lesson: Big Data
registers: Hold the bytes currently being processed
   Lesson: Hardware
register: temporary storage (memory) for data that is directly accessible to the central processing unit
   Lesson: Digital Technology
relational database: A relational database organizes data into multiple tables that are related by common fields called keys
   Lesson: Big Data
Repeater: Connects multiple network segments
   Repeater (Network Control Device)
   Lesson: Telecommunications
repeater: Connects multiple network segments
   Lesson: Telecommunications
reputation: Online reputation has become an important consideration when purchaseing online
   Lesson: Ecommerce
research scientist: develops new ways to use computer technology and improve existing computing technology
   Computer and information research scientist
   Lesson: IT Careers
Resolution: relates to number of pixels that make up an image: An image with a lot of pixels is called high resolution
   Lesson: Digital Media
resolution: relates to number of pixels that make up an image: An image with a lot of pixels is called high resolution
   Lesson: Digital Media
RFID: uses tiny transponders in devices or tags that can be attached to merchandise or other objects and read wirelessly using an RFID reader
   RFID: Radio Frequency Identification
   Lesson: Telecommunications
rfid: uses tiny transponders in devices or tags that can be attached to merchandise or other objects and read wirelessly using an RFID reader
   Lesson: Telecommunications
RGB: RGB is used on webpages and other display to represent colors as red, green and blue values.
   Lesson: Number Systems
RGB: colors are expressed using numbers that represent combinations of intensities of red, green, and blue
   RGB: Red, Green, Blue
   Lesson: Digital Media
rgb: colors are expressed using numbers that represent combinations of intensities of red, green, and blue
   Lesson: Digital Media
robotics: developing mechanical or computer devices to perform tasks that require a high degree of precision or are tedious or hazardous for humans
   Lesson: Artificial Intelligence
ROM: Read-only memory (ROM) provides permanent storage for data and instructions that do not change, such as firmware.
   Lesson: Hardware
Router: Determines the best path for passing a data packet between networks to its destination
   Router (Network Control Device)
   Lesson: Telecommunications
router: Determines the best path for passing a data packet between networks to its destination
   Lesson: Telecommunications
RSI: occurs when a particular physical motion is repeated frequently, to the point of injur
   RSI: Repetitive Stress Injury
   Lesson: Digital Life
rsi: occurs when a particular physical motion is repeated frequently, to the point of injur
   Lesson: Digital Life
RSS: a web technology used to automatically deliver frequently updated web content
   RSS: Really Simple Syndication
   Lesson: Web Technologies
rss: a web technology used to automatically deliver frequently updated web content
   Lesson: Web Technologies
ruby: Popular web server-side programming language
   Lesson: Software
Sampling: the process of capturing the value of a sound wave at regular intervals, typically thousands of times per second, to store sound and music digitally
   Lesson: Digital Media
sampling: the process of capturing the value of a sound wave at regular intervals, typically thousands of times per second, to store sound and music digitally
   Lesson: Digital Media
schema, database: A database schema is a graphical representation of the structure of a database
   Schema, Database
   Lesson: Big Data
schema: A database schema is a graphical representation of the structure of a database
   Lesson: Big Data
scientific notation 2: Video 2.33 minutes
   How to Write Decimals in Scientific Notation
   Lesson: Number Systems
scientific notation: Very large or small numbers are often displayed in this format.
   Scientific notation
   Lesson: Number Systems
scientific: Very large and very small numbers are sometimes displayed in scientific, or e notation.
   Lesson: Number Systems
SDK: a programming environment designed to write software for a particular computing platform
   Lesson: Software
SDLC]: has six common phases: investigation, analysis, design, implementation, maintenance, and review
   SDLC: Systems Development Life Cycle
   Lesson: Ecommerce
sdlc: has six common phases: investigation, analysis, design, implementation, maintenance, and review
   Lesson: Ecommerce
Search Engine: a software tool that enables users to find information on the web by specifying keywords
   Search Engine
   Lesson: Web Technologies
search engine: a software tool that enables users to find information on the web by specifying keywords
   Lesson: Web Technologies
server OS: control large networked systems and servers
   Lesson: Software
server: A powerful computer that often utilizes many processors to provide services to many users simultaneously over a network.
   Lesson: Digital Technology
server: a network architecture in which one computer or program (the client) makes a service request from another computer or program (the server) that provides the service
   Lesson: The Internet
shipping: Shipping has become a major concern for ecommerce companies
   Lesson: Ecommerce
Signal Frequency: the speed at which an electronic communications signal can change from high to low
   Signal Frequency
   Lesson: Telecommunications
signal frequency: the speed at which an electronic communications signal can change from high to low
   Lesson: Telecommunications
Signal: Telecommunications signals are analog or digital electronic transmissions for the purpose of communication
   Lesson: Telecommunications
signal: Telecommunications signals are analog or digital electronic transmissions for the purpose of communication
   Lesson: Telecommunications
singularity: the point in time at which computers exceed humans in intelligence
   Lesson: Artificial Intelligence
Social Media: websites that allow people to share information, ideas, photos, and other forms of media in virtual communities and to comment on items shared
   Social Media (Social Networks)
   Lesson: Web Technologies
social media: websites that allow people to share information, ideas, photos, and other forms of media in virtual communities and to comment on items shared
   Lesson: Web Technologies
software development LC: a five-stage process that begins with requirements analysis, proceeds to the design stage, and is followed by implementation, verification (testing), and maintenance
   Lesson: Software
software development: the systematic process of transforming a software idea into functional software
   Lesson: Software
software engineer: use programming languages to encode the logic of the software in a manner that a processor can execute
   Lesson: Software
software internet: Software transforms data into a form that can travel over the Internet and guides it to its destination
   Lesson: The Internet
software license: defines the permissions, rights, and restrictions assigned to the person who purchases a copy of software
   Lesson: Software
software update: A software update, sometimes called a security patch, fixes software bugs and flaws and is typically distributed to software users through online software updates.
   software update
   Lesson: Data Security
software, einternet: Software transforms data into a form that can travel over the Internet and guides it to its destination
   Software (Internet)
   Lesson: The Internet
software: the electronic instructions that tell the computer what to do.
   Lesson: Digital Technology
software: Software refers to the electronic instructions that govern a computer’s actions in order to provide a computing service.
   Lesson: Software
SQL: a popular data manipulation language used by the vast majority of database programmers and administrators for manipulating data to meet the needs of the users
   SQL: Structured Query Language
   Lesson: Big Data
sql: a popular data manipulation language used by the vast majority of database programmers and administrators for manipulating data to meet the needs of the users
   Lesson: Big Data
ssd: Solid-State Drives (SSD) are replacing hard disk drives, providing faster data access and dramatic energy savings
   Lesson: Ethics
Stateless: HTTP is classified as a stateless protocol: it does not retain information (a particular state) regarding a user between visits
   Lesson: Web Technologies
stateless: HTTP is classified as a stateless protocol: it does not retain information (a particular state) regarding a user between visits
   Lesson: Web Technologies
supercomputer: the most powerful type of computer, often utilizing thousands or even tens of thousands of processors to solve the world’s most difficult problems.
   Lesson: Digital Technology
surveillance: the close monitoring of behavior through electronic technologies such as wiretapping, data mining, remote video and audio monitoring, GPS, and RFID
   Lesson: Privacy
Switch: makes it possible for several users to send information over a network at the same time
   Switch (Network Control Device)
   Lesson: Telecommunications
switch: makes it possible for several users to send information over a network at the same time
   Lesson: Telecommunications
system software: any software that coordinates the activities of the hardware and assists the computer in functioning safely, effectively, and efficiently
   Lesson: Software
table (file): A collection of related records is a table, also called a file in some databases
   Table (File)
   Lesson: Big Data
table: A collection of related records is a table, also called a file in some databases
   Lesson: Big Data
Tag: In a markup language describe the formatting of a page. An HTML tag is a specific command inside angle brackets < and />
   Lesson: Web Technologies
tag: In a markup language describe the formatting of a page. An HTML tag is a specific command inside angle brackets < and />
   Lesson: Web Technologies
TCP/IP: The protocols on which the Internet is based
   TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
   Lesson: The Internet
tcpip: The protocols on which the Internet is based
   Lesson: The Internet
Telecommunication Devices: include the wide variety of computer hardware designed to support telecommunications
   Telecommunication Devices
   Lesson: Telecommunications
telecommunication devices: include the wide variety of computer hardware designed to support telecommunications
   Lesson: Telecommunications
Telecommunication Media: anything that carries a signal and creates an interface between a sending device and a receiving device
   Telecommunication Media
   Lesson: Telecommunications
telecommunication media: anything that carries a signal and creates an interface between a sending device and a receiving device
   Lesson: Telecommunications
Telecommunication Network: include computing and/or communications devices connected together for communications, information, and resource sharing
   Telecommunication Network
   Lesson: Telecommunications
telecommunication network: include computing and/or communications devices connected together for communications, information, and resource sharing
   Lesson: Telecommunications
Telecommunication Software: software based on telecommunications protocols used to control, monitor, and troubleshoot data traveling over a telecommunications network
   Telecommunication Software
   Lesson: Telecommunications
telecommunication software: software based on telecommunications protocols used to control, monitor, and troubleshoot data traveling over a telecommunications network
   Lesson: Telecommunications
Telecommunications: the electronic transmission and reception of signals for voice and data communications
   Lesson: Telecommunications
telecommunications: the electronic transmission and reception of signals for voice and data communications
   Lesson: Telecommunications
TLD: The final portion of the domain name—.com, .co, .edu, .biz, and so on
   TLD: Top-Level Domain
   Lesson: Web Technologies
tld: The final portion of the domain name—.com, .co, .edu, .biz, and so on
   Lesson: Web Technologies
   TPS: Transaction Processing System
   Lesson: Ecommerce
tps: an information system used to support and record transactions such as paying for products or paying an employee
   Lesson: Ecommerce
trade secret: Protects secrets or proprietary information of individuals and organizations as long as the trade secret is adequately guarded by those individuals and organizations
   Lesson: Intellectual Property
trademark: Protects a unique symbol or word used by a business to identify a product or service
   Lesson: Intellectual Property
transparency: when a person, business, organization, or government keeps little or nothing secret from the world
   Lesson: Privacy
Turing test: devised by Alan Turing as a method of determining if a machine exhibits human intelligence
   Lesson: Artificial Intelligence
Twisted Pair: Pairs of twisted wires covered with an insulating layer, used for telephone and computer networks
   Twisted Pair (Cable)
   Lesson: Telecommunications
twisted pair: Pairs of twisted wires covered with an insulating layer, used for telephone and computer networks
   Lesson: Telecommunications
ubiquitous computing: a culture where digital technologies are embedded in the environment, making interaction with the technologies second nature
   Lesson: Digital Life
UI: allows one or more people to have access to and command of a computer system or computer software
   Lesson: Software
uninstalling: the process of completely removing software from a computer
   Lesson: Software
URL: acts as a webpage address, incorporating the domain name of the web server and the location of the webpage file on the server
   URL: Uniform Resource Locator
   Lesson: Web Technologies
url: acts as a webpage address, incorporating the domain name of the web server and the location of the webpage file on the server
   Lesson: Web Technologies
utility software: any system software besides the OS that assists in maintaining, managing, and protecting computer system resources
   Lesson: Software
variable: Named storage for specific types of data
   Lesson: Software
Vector Graphic: graphic consists of shapes, curves, lines, and text which together make a picture, Vector graphics can be combined in a series to create an animation
   Vector Graphic
   Lesson: Digital Media
vector graphic: graphic consists of shapes, curves, lines, and text which together make a picture, Vector graphics can be combined in a series to create an animation
   Lesson: Digital Media
Video Editing: makes use of special software that allows professionals and amateurs to edit video footage by deleting scenes, combining scenes, and adding transitions and other effects to create a professional-style video production
   Video Editing
   Lesson: Digital Media
video editing: makes use of special software that allows professionals and amateurs to edit video footage by deleting scenes, combining scenes, and adding transitions and other effects to create a professional-style video production
   Lesson: Digital Media
Video Game: uses 2D or 3D interactive digital media to provide gaming entertainment for individuals or groups using handheld devices, game consoles, computers, and the Internet
   Video Game
   Lesson: Digital Media
video game: uses 2D or 3D interactive digital media to provide gaming entertainment for individuals or groups using handheld devices, game consoles, computers, and the Internet
   Lesson: Digital Media
violence, computer: acts of interactive simulated violence provided by computer games
   Computer-based violence
   Lesson: Digital Life
virtual reality: headsets allow the viewer to virtually enter environments
   Lesson: Digital Life
virtual reality: a computer-simulated, three-dimensional environment that can be explored and manipulated by a user
   Lesson: Digital Media
Visualization: general term that refers to the use of imagery to communicate an idea. However, in the area of digital graphics, it typically refers to using imagery to experience information in a manner difficult to experience through any other medium
   Lesson: Digital Media
visualization: general term that refers to the use of imagery to communicate an idea. However, in the area of digital graphics, it typically refers to using imagery to experience information in a manner difficult to experience through any other medium
   Lesson: Digital Media
VM: also referred to as virtualization software, allows one operating system to run on top of another by creating a virtual machine on which the guest operating system can run
   Lesson: Software
VoIP: refers to technologies that support voice communications using the Internet protocol over data networks
   VoIP: Voice over Internet Protocol
   Lesson: The Internet
voip: refers to technologies that support voice communications using the Internet protocol over data networks
   Lesson: The Internet
VR: headsets allow the viewer to virtually enter environments
   Virtual Reality
   Lesson: Digital Life
VR: a computer-simulated, three-dimensional environment that can be explored and manipulated by a user
   Virtual Reality
   Lesson: Digital Media
W3C: World Wide Web Consortium
   Lesson: Ethics
WAN: connects LANs between cities, across countries, and around the world using microwave and satellite transmission or telephone lines
   WAN: Wide Area Network
   Lesson: Telecommunications
wan: connects LANs between cities, across countries, and around the world using microwave and satellite transmission or telephone lines
   Lesson: Telecommunications
wearables: clothing and accessories that incorporate digital technologies. They include smartwatches, bracelets, and glasses.
   Lesson: Digital Technology
Web Development Software: allows developers to create webpages more easily using a word-processing-style environment and automating complex coding activities
   Web Development Software
   Lesson: Web Technologies
web development software: allows developers to create webpages more easily using a word-processing-style environment and automating complex coding activities
   Lesson: Web Technologies
Web Empowerment: the power that the web provides for individuals to express themselves, influence others, and affect the course of society
   Web Empowerment
   Lesson: Freedom of Speech
web empowerment: the power that the web provides for individuals to express themselves, influence others, and affect the course of society
   Lesson: Freedom of Speech
Web Programming: the development of software written to run either in a web browser or on a web server, using web-based input and output
   Web Programming
   Lesson: Web Technologies
web programming: the development of software written to run either in a web browser or on a web server, using web-based input and output
   Lesson: Web Technologies
Web Server: software that fulfills webpage requests from web clients and to the computers that run such software
   Web Server
   Lesson: Web Technologies
web server: software that fulfills webpage requests from web clients and to the computers that run such software
   Lesson: Web Technologies
Web Technologies: the hardware, software, and protocols that allow the web to exist
   Web Technologies
   Lesson: Web Technologies
web technologies: the hardware, software, and protocols that allow the web to exist
   Lesson: Web Technologies
Web: an Internet service that provides convenient access to information and services through hyperlinks
   Web: World Wide Web
   Lesson: Web Technologies
web: an Internet service that provides convenient access to information and services through hyperlinks
   Lesson: Web Technologies
wi fi: wireless networking technology that uses access points to wirelessly connect users to networks within a range of 250–1,000 feet
   Lesson: Telecommunications
Wi-Fi: wireless networking technology that uses access points to wirelessly connect users to networks within a range of 250–1,000 feet
   Wi-Fi: Wireless Fidelity
   Lesson: Telecommunications
Wireless Access Point: a Wi-Fi device, connected to a wired or cellular network to send and receive data to wirelessly
   Wireless Access Point (Network Control Device)
   Lesson: Telecommunications
wireless access point: a Wi-Fi device, connected to a wired or cellular network to send and receive data to wirelessly
   Lesson: Telecommunications
Wireless adapter: A circuit board, PC card, or an external device that connects through an antenna-equipped USB port that is able to send and receive network radio signals
   Wireless adapter
   Lesson: Telecommunications
wireless adapter: A circuit board, PC card, or an external device that connects through an antenna-equipped USB port that is able to send and receive network radio signals
   Lesson: Telecommunications
Wireless Data Communication: telecommunications that take place over the air to provide data and Internet accessy
   Wireless Data Communication
   Lesson: Telecommunications
wireless data communication: telecommunications that take place over the air to provide data and Internet accessy
   Lesson: Telecommunications
wireless security: Wireless security refers to the unique threats and defenses associated with wireless computer networks.
   Wireless security
   Lesson: Data Security
WWW: introduced in the early 1990s by Tim Berners-Lee, provided a graphical user interface to the Internet that launched the digital information revolution
   WWW: World Wide Web
   Lesson: The Internet
www: introduced in the early 1990s by Tim Berners-Lee, provided a graphical user interface to the Internet that launched the digital information revolution
   Lesson: The Internet
zetabyte: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes
   Lesson: Digital Life
: controls communication between web clients and servers
   HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol
   Lesson: Web Technologies
: designs, builds, and maintains complex computer data networks
   Computer network architect
   Lesson: IT Careers