
computer-conceptsGlossary for Computer Concepts: free-speech

Glossary for Computer Concepts: free-speech

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blog: Blog (Web Log) (Lesson: Freedom of Speech)
   a website created to express one (or more) individual’s views on a given topic
children internet protection: Children’s Internet Protection Act (2000) (Lesson: Freedom of Speech)
   requires schools and libraries that receive federal funding for technology to implement content filtering
content filtering: Content Filtering (Lesson: Freedom of Speech)
   use to set rules and define what is allowable, such as parental controls, or to block child pornography
free speech: Freedom of speech (Lesson: Freedom of Speech)
   the ability of a person to publicly speak or publish any thought without legal constraints or repercussions
free speech questions: Self Study Questions(Lesson: Freedom of Speech)
   What have you learned?
internet censorship: Internet Censorship (Lesson: Freedom of Speech)
   refers to the control of speech and other forms of expression over the Internet and web by a government or authority
internet decency: Internet Decency (Lesson: Freedom of Speech)
   refers to efforts by governments and others to rid the Internet and web of content that they consider indecent
net neutrality: Net Neutrality (Lesson: Freedom of Speech)
   a principle applied to high-speed Internet services, whereby all data is delivered to all users with equal priority
web empowerment: Web Empowerment (Lesson: Freedom of Speech)
   the power that the web provides for individuals to express themselves, influence others, and affect the course of society
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