
csharp stringsC# Windows Forms Programming

C# Windows Forms Programming

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Strings in C#

There are many functions for working with strings.
For instance, you can extract just part of a string, tell if one string is embedded inside another string, and replace one string with another.

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Please study the material at each of the links below.

  1. Microsoft Reference Microsoft Reference: Strings and String methods

  2. Parse: Parse means to break a string up into significant parts, or to convert a string to a numeric type.

  3. String Functions: Examples of the most used string methods

  4. String Length: Length gives the number of ALL characters in the String

  5. String Substr: Substr extracts a portion of a string

  6. Names: Using String Functions: Split name into first and last

  7. Escape Sequence: \ and @ Escape Sequence: \ and @: Using the \ and @ with strings with special characters
  8. String is valid Social Security Number.: A valid Social Security number has 9 digits

  9. Regular Expressions: A regular expression is a way to determine if a string matches a pattern.

  10. Regular Expressions for a sentence: A sentence must have letters of the alphabet and end with . ? or !

  11. Regular Expression for Robot: R2D2, C3P0?: Regex robotregx= new Regex(@"([A-Z][0-9]){2}");

  12. Regular Expression Drill: Test your understanding

  13. Scramble Array Algorithm Scramble Array Algorithm: Easy algorithm to scramble (shuffle) an array
  14. Anagram Demo: An anagram is simply the letters of the word scrambled

  15. Anagrams: Details for creating the form

  16. Cryptogram Demo: A cryptogram shuffles the alphabet to create a code

  17. Cryptogram Demo: A cryptogram shuffles the alphabet to create a code

  18. Comparing strings: Download the PDF file

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