
Section 31150: Due Sunday, February 16, 2025

You should complete the lessons Variables in Alice 3 and Input from the User in Alice 3 before doing this assignment.

After doing these lesson, you should be able to ask the user a question and store the answer in a variable.

Your code will look something like this: (but MUCH more interesting!)

Here are two shots from the running movie:

  1. Create an Alice3 world with any scene and objects you want.
  2. Ask the user at least 2 questions and respond in some way.
  3. Save the Alice3 project as LastName_FirstName_talk.a3p. For example Smith_Mary_talk.a3p
  4. Take a Screen Shot for the discussion.
  5. Save the program as LastName_FirstName_talk.a3p and submit in Blackboard under assignments.
  6. Take a screen shot of the movie to post in this weeks discussion.
  7. Submit the LastName_FirstName_talk-user.a3p file in assignments.

Note: This is not two actors talking to each other. It is asking the user a question, storing the user's answer in a variable, and then using it in some way to respond.

The following are requirements:

If any of these requirements are not met, the score will be 0.


If the requirements are met, the grade is as follows:

Possible points=50


If you do not receive a perfect score you may resubmit it as long as it is resubmitted within 3 days.
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