
Learn to Program Step-by-Step


We used radio buttons and check boxes to illustrate Boolean expressions


We used radio buttons and check boxes to illustrate Boolean expressions

Public Class Form1
    Dim basePrice As Double = 0
    Dim smallPrice As Double = 5.5
    Dim mediumPrice As Double = 8
    Dim largePrice As Double = 12

    Private Sub PizzaSizedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
	Handles RadSmall.CheckedChanged, RadMedium.CheckedChanged, _
	RadLarge.CheckedChanged, ChkAnchovies.CheckedChanged, ChkPepperoni.CheckedChanged
        Dim size As String = ""
        If Me.RadSmall.Checked Then
            basePrice = smallPrice
            size = "small"
        End If
        If Me.RadMedium.Checked Then
            basePrice = mediumPrice
            size = "Medium"
        End If
        If Me.RadLarge.Checked Then
            basePrice = largePrice
            size = "Large"
        End If
        If Me.ChkAnchovies.Checked Then basePrice += 1
        If Me.ChkPepperoni.Checked Then basePrice += 1

        Me.Text = size & "  will cost $" & basePrice
    End Sub
End Class
'Alternate method:
Public Class Form1
     Dim basePrice As Double = 0
     Private Sub PizzaSize1(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
         If sender.text = "Small" Then basePrice = 5.0
         If sender.text = "Medium" Then basePrice = 8.0
         If sender.text = "Large" Then basePrice = 12.0
         Me.Text = sender.text & " is $" & basePrice
     End Sub
     Private Sub PizzaSize2(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
         If sender.text = "Small" Then
             basePrice = 5.0
         ElseIf sender.text = "Medium" Then
             basePrice = 8.0
             basePrice = 12
         End If
         Me.Text = sender.text & " is now $" & basePrice
     End Sub
     Private Sub PizzaSize3(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
         basePrice = sender.tag 'the value in tag was set at design time
         Me.Text = sender.text & " is really $" & basePrice
     End Sub
     Private Sub PizzaSize4(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
	   Handles RadLarge.CheckedChanged, RadSmall.CheckedChanged, _
         Dim size As String = sender.text
         Select Case size
             Case "Small"
                 basePrice = 5.5
             Case "Medium"
                 basePrice = 8.99
             Case "Large"
                 basePrice = 13
         End Select
         Me.Text = sender.text & " is really $" & basePrice
     End Sub
     Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
	   Handles MyBase.Load
         Me.RadSmall.Tag = 5.25
         Me.RadMedium.Tag = 8.5
         Me.RadLarge.Tag = 12.99
     End Sub
End Class

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Last modified: January 30 2025 14:19:33.