- INDEX (start here)
Using the Handles to position objects: Use the handles to turn, roll, and move any of the objects in your project.
Changing the position of camera and objects: Using the various handles
Moving vertically: Use the handles to turn, roll, and move any of the objects in your project.
Camera views: View the scene from starting view, layout, top, side, or front
Using Camera Markers: Camera markers let you set up positions for the camera to move to
Hang Picture on Wall: Putting a canvas on the wall
Camera views: Stacking Boxes: Different views help to stack 3 boxes
How to Change the ground: Change the ground, opacity, add fog, light from above and below
Positioning with One Shots: Use one shots to move, turn and roll in design view
Using Vehicles: A penguin and Egg: Position the egg on penguins feet, then make the penguin the vehicle for the egg
Using Vehicles: Monkey holding Banana: In Alice, a vehicle is not necessarily a car or train, but it could be. If you want the monkey to hold a banana, you position the banana in the monkeys hand, then make the hand the vehicle for the banana. When you move the monkeys hand, the banan will move too. You can also set a vehicle using code.
Using Markers: Markers let you set up positions for objects to move to
Self Study Questions: What have you learned?
Discussion questions: What do you think?