CMSC100: Fundamentals of Programming, Due Dates
for CRN 60081: Winter, 2023, Professor Joy
Week 1: Monday, December 18, 2023 - Sunday, December 24, 2023
Due in Blackboard by Midnight, Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Initial post in discussions: 1. Introductions, 2. Reaction to Alice, 3. Hello World, 4. Storyboard, 5. Motivation
First attempt at quizzes: 1. Syllabus, 2. Introduction to Alice, 3. The Software-Lifecycle, 4. The Alice Virtual World
Due in Blackboard by Midnight, Sunday, December 24, 2023
Final Project Design:
Step 1: Proposal,
Step 2: Algorithm, Storyboard, and SoundAssignments: In Blackboard: Check major and submit Academic Integrity statement,
Program 1: Hello WorldLast chance to take quizzes: 1. Syllabus, 2. Introduction to Alice, 3. The Software-Lifecycle, 4. The Alice Virtual World
Last chance to respond in discussions: 1. Introductions, 2. Reaction to Alice, 3. Hello World, 4. Storyboard, 5. Motivation