CMSC100: Fundamentals of Programming, Course Content
for CRN 60081: Winter, 2023, Professor Joy
Week 1: Monday, December 18, 2023 - Sunday, December 24, 2023
Topics this week: read, study, learn each of the items below:Goal: Learn all of the skills necessary to succeed in this course.
Objectives: In order to do this you will:
- Read the syllabus;
- Introduce yourself to your classmates;
- Join a study group;
- Watch the welcome video;
- Find the professors name and contact information in the syllabus;
- When are the professors office hours?
- Find how many quizzes and projects there will be in this class;
- Know what percent of the grade each quiz, discussion, or project is;
- Find what day everything is due;
- Find 2 places to get help;
- Read each section of Blackboard and find one SECRET to SUCCESS;
- Learn about grading and class policies.
Goals: - Download and install the latest version of Alice and run it;
- Learn to navigate the user interface;
- Learn about some of the 3D models in Alice.
Objectives: In order to do this you will:
- Download and install Alice (or find a computer lab with Alice.);
- Select a template, such as grass, moon, sea floor, etc.;
- Toggle between the scene editor and the code view windows;
- In the code view window, locate each of the panels;
- Name 3 classes in the Alice gallery;
- Be able to search for an object in the gallery.
Goals: - Write your first program in Alice3;
- Be able to create a scene by selecting a template;
- Add a character and other objects to the scene;
- Create and edit code;
- Understand how to add comments and why they are important;
- Be able to debug simple errors.
Objectives: In order to do this you will:
- Write your first Alice program;
- You will learn to add code;
- Create and modify a scene in the design view;
- Select and add 3D characters to the scene;
- Select, add and modify people;
- Use the arrows to move, rotate, and resize the characters and other objects;
- Move the camera and change the angle;
- Add comments with your name and description of the program;
- Create code to have the character say "Hello World";
- Run the program, test, debug, and save it.
Goals: - Learn how to use some tools for planning;
- Designing and managing larger software projects;
- Break the program into small manageable parts.
Objectives: In order to do this you will:
- Algorithms: Analyze the problem and determine the best way to achieve the goals;
- Pseudocode: Decompose the problem using step wise refinement;
- Storyboards: Create a graphical layout for the design;
- Flowcharts: Analyze the problem using standard symbols to illustrate the sequence of actions;
- Truth tables: Create a table of all possible combinations and the desired outcomes.
Goals: - Learn ways to start a new project;
- Modify, save, save as, and reopen your project;
- Set preferences.
Objectives: In order to do this you will:
- Instead of selecting a template choose other tabs: starters, my projects, recent, file;
- Use the arrows to move, rotate. and resize the characters and other objects;
- Move the camera and change the angle;
- Edit an existing project;
- Add parameters to commands;
- Set the preferences to see Java style code;
Goals: - Understand how objects view the world;
- Learn how to move objects in the Alice virtual world;
- Be able to move, turn and roll the objects that make up your scene;
- Gain a deeper understanding of objects in the Alice virtual world.
Objectives: In order to do this you will:
- Understand the basic principles of object motion and rotation;
- How Objects see the Virtual World: Video demonstrates move, turn and roll;
- Understand that each object has a sense of direction;
- Be able to add code to move, turn and roll;
- Use a sequence of actions to create a dance routine, or other complex action.
Due in Blackboard by Midnight, Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Initial post in discussions: 1. Introductions, 2. Reaction to Alice, 3. Hello World, 4. Storyboard, 5. Motivation
First attempt at quizzes: 1. Syllabus, 2. Introduction to Alice, 3. The Software-Lifecycle, 4. The Alice Virtual World
Due in Blackboard by Midnight, Sunday, December 24, 2023
Final Project Design:
Step 1: Proposal,
Step 2: Algorithm, Storyboard, and SoundAssignments: In Blackboard: Check major and submit Academic Integrity statement,
Program 1: Hello WorldLast chance to take quizzes: 1. Syllabus, 2. Introduction to Alice, 3. The Software-Lifecycle, 4. The Alice Virtual World
Last chance to respond in discussions: 1. Introductions, 2. Reaction to Alice, 3. Hello World, 4. Storyboard, 5. Motivation